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Re: reel line

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:21 pm
by Match Aerial
Hi yes if it still drifting back towards you at an alarming rate.
You need to use a longer heavier float.
The longer the float the deeper the line will be, once you get it bellow the tow.
Think long waggler float with or without a body.
But keep the back shot on.
If you change the shot below the float it will change the fall off the bait and alter presentation
Some times you can get away with it others times bites will dry up.
So always try the former first.

Re: reel line

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:41 pm
by Santiago
I couldn't agree with you more MA. I actually raised this exact point a few posts earlier!

Re: reel line

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:05 pm
by SeanM
One technique to sink your line is to cast out, tighten gently up to the float, then put your rod tip about 6 inches below the surface and lift it sharply. This pops the line through the surface film.

I use WB Clarke Match Team line which is a nice thin line which knots reliably and handles well as a main line. Diameters are very similar to those you have quoted.