Ian one,bream won

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Ian one,bream won

Post by Ian »

Rab and I fish every Sunday and work in between,so when things never went our way due to finicky bites and missed fish(along with a few other mishaps)like last Sunday,it got our brains into action.yesterday would be different.
Last week we got bites off big fish early on but our feeders spooked them before we managed a hook up,yesterday I was up and driving by 5:30am and after picking rab up we were on the loch by 6am,that was two hours earlier than last Sunday.
My plan was to get my chosen swim fed up and fish a bomb,big bream don't like bait dropping down on them and I was sure that was the problem last week.,the big fish had been there and we blew it,not this time.
I had 2kg of brown crumb mixed with hemp oil,corn and casters for feed and as soon as I reached the swim I put 15 balls out.i knew the bream would have moved away from the feed and it would take a while for them to return,especially as it was a bright flat calm,so I had time to set my gear out.
i had a plan and I was sticking to it,I set up with a 1oz bomb and 3ft hook link to a size 12 wide gape hook with corn and double caster and cast it just beyond the drop off,where my feed was.i was right on the money,now it was time to wait.
rab was already fishing by the time I was settled.he had the two rod set up with a bomb and pva bags containing groundbait and 8mm pellets with a pellet on the hook.this is a natural loch and one would think the more traditional method would work better,but rab has proved on more than one occasion that his method can be deadly and I've saw him into fish within 10 minutes of casting(bream and roach)even though he is probably the only person fishing there who uses them,not today though.
A good hour passed and by then a light southerly breeze he'd picked up,just what was needed on a very bright day,but it was cold,the sort of cold that is more associated with January and it just didn't feel good.we had now been fishing for a good couple of hours and surely things would start happening soon.i had to keep telling myself to stick with the plan and the big bream would come round,I just had to be patient and after another half hour my tip started to quiver now and then before the first real bite swung it round slowly and deliberately by what could only be a bream.a minute later and I slipped the net under a bream of around 4lb,my resistance to get the feeder on had payed off and without hesitation I cast the bomb back out with the exact same hookbait as before.
Rab was on the opposite bank but I know he saw my rod bent and that would have cheered him up because he has never sat 20mins without a bite never mind two and a half hours.i could have imagined his brain going into overdrive,trying to work out what was wrong haha.
20 minutes passed and my rod was sat motionless,then half an hour,I reeled in my bait and it was untouched,surely those bream were still there as I hadn't done anything to spook them.i cast back out,this time with just corn on the hook and after another half hour without a hint of action I tried just casters on the hook,but still nothing.
I was tucked under my umbrella and when I popped out I noticed the wind had switched from a southerly to a more northwesterly and was a bit stronger and colder,could that have been the answer to our lack of action.
This loch is full of fish,there's roach,perch,Rudd,bream and hybrids and it's small but I never got another bite the rest of the day up til we left at 630pm.
Last Sunday rab managed 13 roach and bream,this week he never got a bite.
You know what the weirdest part of yesterday was?how did I manage to catch one fish when clearly I should have blanked.
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Jeremy Croxall
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Re: Ian one,bream won

Post by Jeremy Croxall »

Alas, the best laid plans of mice and men....ten out of ten for effort! I don't think l would have managed that level of commitment, you did well to stick to your plan and rewarded with a good fish despite very difficult conditions. :Hat:
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Re: Ian one,bream won

Post by Marc »

Wow, that's what I'd call putting in a shift. At least you got one.

If I only catch one I'm happy; I always think to myself (ok, sometimes I say it out loud) "my family wouldn't have gone hungry today". Then I can fish the rest of the day and not worry about catching.
Marc. (Prince of Durham)

“A life that partakes even a little of friendship, love, irony, humor, parenthood, literature, and music, and the chance to take part in battles for the liberation of others cannot be called 'meaningless'...”

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Re: Ian one,bream won

Post by Ian »

that's just the norm for me.i only get a Sunday to fish and I make sure I use every minute of it.ive had loads of days when I haven't caught a fish,thats fishing after all and like you say Marc,my family aren't going to go hungry because of it.
I was really just annoyed with the weather.saturday was a really nice day with 12-13 degrees and a light southwesterly and that's when I made my plans,Sunday started off frosty and calm,then a 26mph northwesterly and 3-5 degrees.
Your right there Jeremy,best laid plans and all that.i suppose they're bound to fail.
I won't be put off and I will be back fishing next Sunday,so please excuse me as I have to go and devise a plan
Don’t cast doubt,cast out.

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