An enjoyable few hours

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An enjoyable few hours

Post by TrentFisher »

I have a couple of days off this week and managed a adventure on my local stretch of the Trent at Colwick.
Finally my busy year is showing signs of slowing down however I was feeling a little tired from work and the mountain of jobs completed at the weekend resulting in late finishes,therefore I fancied a few hours angling for perch in the quiet parts of the river at close range.
This meant no standing for 4-5 hours trotting,instead a nice sit down watching a float in the slack water behind the willows.
Tackle was a recently purchased Allcock's Isis rod from Jim at VFC . Ambidex casting reel and a Sussex Mickey goose quill float .

The plan was to feed red maggots and fish them on the hook until the perch made an appearance and then switch to worm tipped with a red to try and connect with a bigger perch (daydreaming again!)

After a slow first half hour Mickey's float slid away and my strike was met with the familiar jagged fight of a perch ,the Isis responded and every pulse of the fight was felt through it's length ...most enjoyable indeed.The perch was not big ,about 10oz but the colours were bright as sunlight .

I changed to worm and maggot combination and several more fish followed during the next hour but all under a 1lb ...was I disappointed not at all.
A quiet spell followed but a kingfisher was spotted and I watched it for some time along with dragon flies and a robin looking for a treat!

Finally the perch returned and I started to land a good number of similar size fish and one slightly over the 1lb mark before it was time to go.
All in all a very nice monsters but there is always next time.

Thank you for reading

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Re: An enjoyable few hours

Post by Scott »

Sounds good Nige! No need for photos, your words painted a lovely picture... :cheers:

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Re: An enjoyable few hours

Post by TrentFisher »

Thanks Scott,I managed a few hours this morning,the fishing was a little slow but the fishing gods were with me and I managed to land a fine Autumn perch over 2lb.......smashing

I hope your fishing trips are proofing fruitful,but a fishing trip is more than just the fishing if I catch a fish or two that's great but not the end of the world if no fish are landed.


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Re: An enjoyable few hours

Post by AshbyCut »

With the autumnal equinox coming on Wednesday I hope you'll be catching more perch soon, Sir.
"Beside the water I discovered (or maybe rediscovered) the quiet. The sort of quiet that allows one to be woven into the tapestry of nature instead of merely standing next to it." Estaban.

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Re: An enjoyable few hours

Post by TrentFisher »

I hope so Mal ,I do love perch and whenever the conditions look favourable on the Trent I will angling for them from now to the end of the season.The chub rod will get a few outings but that is another story as they have been tough going in recent seasons ....but that never stops me from having a go!

Best Regards

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