8 pound barbel

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8 pound barbel

Post by Mario »

i got to the river below wocester and the banks were really slippy i managed to fish the spot i wanted to with care it was really muddy anyway i had a bite after two hours which was 8 pound then no more bites the river rose about foot while i was there so i moved to the teme where i had no more bites the desater i snaped my rod in half

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Loop Erimder
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Re: 8 pound barbel

Post by Loop Erimder »

Pleaseure and pain thing there then ouch on the rod well done on the barbel
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Re: 8 pound barbel

Post by Santiago »

Pleasure and pain! Things like that always happen to me. Last week my cycle rack broke so I was annoyed at the thought of having to folk out £10 for a new one, but at the weekend I took my rubbish to an EA collection point and found a dumped bike there with a very good cycle rack on it, all for the taking, so helped myself. And on the Sunday I fitted said rack onto my bike; but at the start of the fitting I wore my prescription sunglasses (£70), and in the middle of the work I took them off and placed them on top of the back hatch of my boat, but when I had finished and had put all my tools away said sunglasses had dissappeared! I vaguely remember a plop when putting the tools away but thought nothing of it!! I can only conclude that either the Borrowers took my glasses or they now adourn the head of some short-sighted river carp!!! Perhaps they will help it to see my bait!

Maybe it's a bit like karma. Sometimes when I help folk on the river very soon afterwards as a direct consequence of my aiding them, bad things happen to me. Like when a boat was grounded I helped the owner lift her off whilst my son put out a keepnet without my supervision. The boat owner stupidly reved his engine to such a high speed that the wash dragged our keepnet into the water never to be seen again!! Had I not helped we would not have lost the net!!!
"....he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy"



Re: 8 pound barbel

Post by Davyr »

That sounds like reverse Karma! From what (little) I understand about it, you're supposed to get good stuff back from sending good stuff out (and likewise for bad).

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Re: 8 pound barbel

Post by Santiago »

Exactly!! Reverse Karma!! So now I always think twice when offering help, and once offered I go carefully for the next few days!!
"....he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy"


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