Try a different technique for tench?

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Re: Try a different technique for tench?

Post by Wallys-Cast »

Same technique used for flatties in the estuaries or on sandy beaches.
I have also noticed carp will sometimes eye a floating bait up for ages before deciding against it and swimming off but they will often snatch a bait from the surface if the bait appears to be trying to make an escape.
Its a sort of predator thing like cat and mouse.

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Re: Try a different technique for tench?

Post by Dave Burr »

I recall watching one of the early Korda films that showed the underwater footage around the carp baits. It was the roach that interested me as they only took a bait that was off the bottom and therefore - moving. They were only small fish but I found this behaviour interesting and now tend to fish either just off the bottom or twitch the bait every now and then. Oddly, the tench would ignore virtually all pop ups but I know that they do get caught on them - just another piece of the jigsaw filled in and another piece taken out - that's fishing.

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Re: Try a different technique for tench?

Post by Tizer »

PerchBasher wrote:With the glorious 16th just over a month away I though members might be interested in one of my techniques for tench fishing on waters with a muddy or silty bottom. I call it “trundling”.
I don’t claim to have invented this as I picked it up from a chap fishing a Keston ponds several years ago

Its simplicity itself, just a light ledger rig, drawn very slowly towards you. I use a tiny drilled bullet) and a 12” hook length. Hook size is a 10, 12 or 14 depending on the size of your bait. Bait is worm or maggot with loose maggots or chopped worm as ground bait. Any Avon style rod will do and centre pin with a ratchet. Mine is loaded with five pounds BS line, but you may want to go a bit higher if there are carp about. You also need two rod rests positioned so your rod tip points towards the water. Position the rests so the rod is immediately to hand and from your chair or box you can turn the reel while the rod is still in the rests.

Cast out, put the rod in the rests, put the ratchet on, tighten up and leave for a few minutes. Then, keeping the rod in the rests, slowly wind in about one turn of the reel, leave for a few minutes and repeat. It works on the principle that gently stirring up the bottom attracts the fish’s attention and they will swim into the silty cloud and grab your bait. Takes can be very violent signalled by either the rod top nodding around and/or the ratchet sounding. I’ve had some of my best bags of tench using this method and double figure carp as well. “Natural” baits such as red worm, a lob tail or a bunch of maggots seem to work best and especially good are small slugs if you can find them. I’ve not had as much success when using bread flake or corn

As much as I prefer to watch a float, in high winds, the ledger is often your best bet and, if like me, you find staring a bobbin or quiver tip a little boring (and lets not even talk about buzzers) this semi-active style of fishing may be an option.
I have not had a tench this year at all, despite fishing 2 or 3 times aweek,I am out again tomorrow and I am getting desparate now we are into September so I will be giving this method a go tomorrow, fingers crossed.

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Re: Try a different technique for tench?

Post by Woodytia »

My Tench fishing has been a disaster this year, only one decent fish from my local venue, I'm sure the mild winter had something to do with it as I saw plenty of fish but they just didn't seem hungry. I have noticed this before in previous years always after a mild winter but not as bad as this year. I have caught lots of small Tench from my club water but they have a lot of growing to do yet.

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