P.Dale - "The Old Perch", 11 Greengate St, Stafford

Do you know of a good traditional fishing tackle shop, past and present.
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P.Dale - "The Old Perch", 11 Greengate St, Stafford

Post by TemeLAD »

Good evening fellow piscators - does anyone have any information about this tackle shop other than the details that can be gleaned from the internet?

It appears to have been run as a brassware, ironmongers and later as a fishing tackle shop by a succession of fathers and their sons from the mid 1800's until 1929 each with the christian name of Philip being passed from father to son. Supplies were certainly drawn from the likes of Joseph Warner, Redditch.

The last son to be involved in the business was also the founder trustee, secretary and curator of the Izaak Walton Cottage Trust. He was involved with the restoration of the cottage and its opening to the public in 1923.

If anyone recalls using the shop then you have my utmost respect as you must be in your 90's and fair play to you for using the internet :Hat:

Seriously if anyone has reference to the shop in any old guides or angling papers then it would be good to know. Cheers :cheers:
"I can't wait to buy a bamboo pole and a filament of line and a tube of breadcrumbs. I want to participate in this practice which allows a man to be alone with himself in dignity and peace. It seems a very precious thing to me".

John Steinbeck


Re: P.Dale - "The Old Perch", 11 Greengate St, Stafford

Post by Leigh »

I have one of their rods, I bought it from a gentleman called Philip! But he was no relation to the family.
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Re: P.Dale - "The Old Perch", 11 Greengate St, Stafford

Post by Ian.R.McDonald »

sad that with the new "mall" in Stafford , Greengate street is looking very sad and abandoned. I am sure TFF members use the internet less but lets focus on using our own real shops to save them from being just sepia photos

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