Old /traditionall small containers

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Old Man River
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Old /traditionall small containers

Post by Old Man River »

As tradtional fishermans forum, I suspect that most of us on here use, or prefer to use if possible, vintage tackle containers , the usual items are “Golden Virginia” tobacco tins or similar.

Long long before I became a member, I started to use such tins and have collected a few mostly air rifle pellet tins, some Golden Virginia tins,but I also have a few less common tins.


I like to have a different set of tackle ready for each different “discipline, I.E a box for float fishing, another for specifically Barbel, another for ponds etc etc, each one has its own tins and contents.

I now admit that once I had the containers in their boxes I didnt pay a lot of attention to them ,just to what was in them, and that was a bit of a mistake, the below tin has been chucked in bags, rattled around in boxes and generally abused over the years.


Today I was browing around the internet and discovered that before it had been used as a bits box, and in a better condition than it is now, it was worth somewhere around £60.00, even in its present condition its value far outweighs its usefulness, so it has now been retired to my tackle display cabinet, and replaced with another air rifle pellet tin of lesser importance.

A couple of the tins have pre decimal price labels still attached , which is a novel reminder that they are at least pre February 1971. I did not know the exact date of Churchmans wireless mixture tin, but I do believe it is probably pre WW 2 and maybe older , the company existed from 1888 to 1961 when it amalgamated with others. I remember it being in my grandmothers bureau when I was a small child , about 1955, because she kept Cowrie shells in it and we used to play games with the shells.

What containers do you use, and have they any history ?

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Re: Old /traditionall small containers

Post by Santiago »

I've a few, I'll post a photo tomorrow when the light is better to take one.
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Re: Old /traditionall small containers

Post by Gobio Gobio »

I guess you are right, Im sure a lot of us like to use classic tobacco tine as they feel 'right'.
Im impressed you use different tine for various disciplines.

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Re: Old /traditionall small containers

Post by Pallenpool »

I do use vintage tins - actually they are ‘shot’ tins - James Martin, Allcock’s and Farlow’s - I like the footprint of these tins as they slip into a pocket easily, very easily.

You have a couple of out of the ordinary tins there - very nice indeed.

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