Stop, start season so far

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Stop, start season so far

Post by TrentFisher »

Evening Gents,
I have been busy with life and all that brings and my outings are more stolen moments than a more planned adventure........hence the lack of posts to congratulate one and all on their progress since the start of the season

That aside the Trent Roach continue to allow my float to disappear during the outings I have managed so far and the wheat is the main reason for that.

Hopefully some more outings to come my way.......however there were some mutterings of gutters and a roof gully needing a lending hand on family visit last such thing as a free lunch it seems!
Until next time.

All the best Nige.

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Re: Stop, start season so far

Post by EricW »

I had a nice day on the trent this week doing just that Nige. It was a pleasure to catch some fish in a bit of flow after the nearly static Leam and my local club's now fishless (thanks to a significant pollution) stretch of the Warwickshire Avon. You are lucky to gave such a river so close, so don't waste too much time fixing gutters. :Hat:
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