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Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:55 pm
by Jenks
Nailbourne wrote:Personally, I wouldn't waste my money on modern leather-bound books. Not that they're not beautiful - they are - but the way in which they're bound.

Most modern books (both hard and paperback) have their pages set in a glue matrix, rather than being stitched in sections that allow the book to open flat without strain on the spine. A glue-set book will eventually crack and the pages will fall out.

The cost of a leather cover is not significantly higher than one of buckram or cloth, not is there much more skill involved. The skill (and, hence, the cost) lies in assembling and stitching the sections and attaching them to the cords or tapes that hold the pages in the cover.

I'm not being a know-all about this - a girl-friend of many years ago was a professional book-binder!
Nailbourne, I think that's a bit of a sweeping statement.

I agree with your comments about gluing, which is why we have always had our books stitched (thread sewn is the technical term) and with top and tail bands, hence we haven't had any of the pages fall out or the spines crack

I think the guy who does our leather binding might also take umbrage at the comment about there not being much skill in the process - he's supplied Sotherby's with leather bound books for 25 years and they seem to be fairly happy with his work.

I can't speak for other publishers, but we take a great deal of pride in our books, not only the content but the quality of production and finish, and treat the hardbacks with as much reverence as the leathers or specials.

Feel free to order one to check it out for yourself.

Happy New Year :wave:

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:29 pm
by MrCrabtree
Hi Steve
I use Atkinson's on Churchfield Industrial Estate, Salisbury as I live just a few miles from them. But I am sure we have members who can recommend other companies which may be closer to where you live.

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:44 pm
by Mario
I know most of the books I own have been bound by Ludlow book binders and they are a very good company and I had look at the books and it looks like they are stiched together I think some the comments on here are bit harsh on the subject as many people will spend five hundred to thousand pound on on premium rod or reel so why not on work of art from a very good book binder which will last for ever and give you pleasure reading just like a painting on a wall or lovely reel or fishing rod will

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:53 pm
by MaggotDrowner
Personally I wouldn't ever buy a leather bound book. I have other extravagances. Namely vintage fishing tackle and dining out with friends in nice places.

However, I will say the this: if a man keeps a roof over his families head, clothes on partner and children's backs and food in their bellies what he does with the rest of his income is his his business and his business alone. No one should be judged on what they spend money on if these basic requirements are met.

If you enjoy these books and they give you pleasure, Mazza, keep buying them. "Temperance is wickedness".

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:06 pm
by Mario
I don't buy loads of them just the odd book takes my fancy ever so often I don't often buy much tackle these day as I have most of what I need the rest of my spare money goes on traveling I have another hobby in cycle touring and camping out in wild places

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:22 pm
by DaceAce
I only have three l/b books; one by Medlar (Venables' Stream of Life), one by Ludlow (Chalkstream Roach ed. John Searl) and one by Mpress (Big Roach). The Mpress one is the best by far. The Ludlow one won't come out of the case. For reading I'm happy with a c/b book any day of the week.

The only recent book I've had spine problems with was Trefor West's barbel book and these commonly fall apart. One or two old p/bs have the same problem.

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:57 pm
by Capebreton
I only have one in the Fly Fishers library but is lovely to read and see on the shelves with all the paperbacks!

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:13 pm
by Nailbourne
Sorry, Jenks, I wasn't being critical of modern books generally, just that a leather cover doesn't make a work of art. A proper stitch-bound book is worth every penny and will last a lifetime - I've plenty of them!

In my ignorance, I don't know which your company is - please let me know.

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:25 pm
by Jenks
Nailbourne wrote:Sorry, Jenks, I wasn't being critical of modern books generally, just that a leather cover doesn't make a work of art. A proper stitch-bound book is worth every penny and will last a lifetime - I've plenty of them!

In my ignorance, I don't know which your company is - please let me know.
I forgive your ignorance and blame it on New Year revelry.

We are the Freebird chaps and no offence was taken. Just pointing out that not everybody fits under the same brolly. :)

Re: does any body else collect leather bound books

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:39 pm
by Colonelgsc
Mazza wrote:does any body else collect leather bound books I have only just started in the last year or two they are genrally very expensive but are very nice to own I have some medlar ones and cocky bundy books and harper fine angling my favourite being while my float still cocks what have you got
Mazza, you've hit my Achilles heel with this one, my friend. Like you, I am smitten with the 'leather bounds'. Nothing quite like the feel and smell of a leather book in the hand.

Pride of place in my library is Yatesy's work which all have personal inscriptions and are either original leathers or one's I've had rebound in leather by an local bookbinder of 40 odd years experience.







A few more of my favourites rebound in leather





The light brown volume in the middle below, without any title on the spine is a very old 'Compleat Angler', leather-bound on wood boards, which I'm gradually getting all the surviving GSC members to sign for me.........this could take some time :Hair out:



Happy New Year to all TFFer's ..............Tight Lines and Creaking Cane in 2014 :cheers: