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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:37 am
by Davyr
traditionalangling wrote: Marston Lane stretch up stream from the bridge
Phew! Well downstream of my bit, then. :thumb:


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:33 am
by TraditionalAngling
davyr wrote:
traditionalangling wrote: Marston Lane stretch up stream from the bridge
Phew! Well downstream of my bit, then. :thumb:
It fret me for sure


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:43 pm
by Caractacus Potts
Snape wrote:Freaky stuff all right. Reminiscent of Hammer House of Horror and the walking dead!
My scariest encounter was whilst standing on the banks of the Warks Avon by a line of pollarded trees at dusk, hearing a strange swooshing sound apparently directly overhead. Looking to investigate I saw the white shape of a huge barn owl hovering over my head and looking to come in to land on me! My movement spooked it and it swooped of and landed on a pollarded tree a few yards away. I can't imagine the shock (and pain) I would have had if it had landed on my head! :shocked:

A very similar thing happened to me, Snape, in that I had a Barn Owl (which was flying silently upriver afterdark, unbeknown to me !) swoop after my rod-tip isotope as I was sat in the dark ! I don't know who was more surprised, me or him !


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:36 pm
by Dave Burr
I was sat next to a small carp pool at about midnight. I rarely use a torch at night and had threaded my line to retie a hook by holding it against the moon light (I had younger eyes then). Next to me was a large tree with an open hollow at the front, beyond it were bushes, it was black as coal in there.

I concentrated on tying my hook ( I used to practice with my eyes shut - keen or what?) when - suddenly - from the darkness right next to me a cat let out the loudest, longest howl I have ever heard. I froze for a while then laughed (nervously), the poor thing must have been as startled at coming across me as I was of hearing it!

The last laugh went to the cat though, I later had a bite and the hook I'd been tying came undone and I lost the damn fish.


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:57 pm
by Beresford
There is a lake I know in deepest Essex where I've had two disturbing experiences both in broad daylight. I won't ever go back there especially since I have heard of others having alarming experiences there as well.


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:40 pm
by StalkingLuke
Beresford wrote:There is a lake I know in deepest Essex where I've had two disturbing experiences both in broad daylight. I won't ever go back there especially since I have heard of others having alarming experiences there as well.
Come on Beresford you can't leave us in suspense, spill the beans!


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:03 pm
by Beresford
I actually don't want to write anything because I'd love to see if anybody else posts about something 'very odd' at a lake in Essex, it might turn out to be the same location. If nothing is posted I'll tell you… and the one other story I've been told and what I subsequently found out.


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:51 pm
by StalkingLuke
Beresford wrote:Luke
I actually don't want to write anything because I'd love to see if anybody else posts about something 'very odd' at a lake in Essex, it might turn out to be the same location. If nothing is posted I'll tell you… and the one other story I've been told and what I subsequently found out.
Ok will watch this space!


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:01 pm
by Ljm183
stalkingluke wrote:
Beresford wrote:Luke
I actually don't want to write anything because I'd love to see if anybody else posts about something 'very odd' at a lake in Essex, it might turn out to be the same location. If nothing is posted I'll tell you… and the one other story I've been told and what I subsequently found out.
Ok will watch this space!
So will i


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:33 pm
by Gary Bills
ljm183 wrote:
stalkingluke wrote:
Beresford wrote:Luke
I actually don't want to write anything because I'd love to see if anybody else posts about something 'very odd' at a lake in Essex, it might turn out to be the same location. If nothing is posted I'll tell you… and the one other story I've been told and what I subsequently found out.
Ok will watch this space!
So will i
The suspense is killing me!

Rural canals can be spooky places too, can't they? There's one spot my brother fishes, near a river bridge, and it's supposed to be haunted by a white lady...Well, he's spent many a dark hour there, fishing for carp: but it makes him nervous, especially as the trees overhang the towpath and there's a small wood behind him, full of noises.
One night, coming back, he had a very odd experience. A glowing orange fiery ball rose from the towpath before him, floated across the water and vanished. What did he see? - marsh gas, or something else?