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Re: Pipes

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:09 am
by JimmyR
Thank you for the warning But and there is a but.
Yes we know its not to good for us, but we are adults and it is our life and nobody elses, and when they can wean enough smokers onto the electric cigarette because of the revenue and which holds much more nicotine may i add, i am sure they will ban tobacco and until then i will do with "My" body as i will because i am the owner of me.
I would prefer they banned drink though because i feel that drink is so much more antisocial, for instance when was the last time you heard of a little old man or woman being mugged by someone under the influence of pipe tobacco or because they were smoking a cigarette, Never would be my guess, then read how many of these things happen when someone is under the influence of alcohol, that is "Antisocial".

So i will carry on puffing away, but i will not smoke around those that ask me not to.

But thanks for the warning anyway.

Pipe smoking.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:20 am
by Chris Bettis
As a pipe smoker for some 60 odd years I know all about the problems of lighting a pipe in the wind.
I was bought a Zippo Pipe lighter for Xmas and have has time now to give it a good trial. This lighter will work in a strong wind and overcomes the problem. Do not worry about petrol tainting the smoke, at least as long as you use their brand. Cost £15 or less from Amazon. If it breaks down which is not very likely it is repaired free of charge for your lifetime. You can carry a couple of spare flints inside the case which can be a life saver!
You cannot ask for more!

Re: Pipe smoking.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:39 am
by Necarper
Why do you need such a lighter - The record for smoking a pipe for the longest time without relighting belongs to Dr Lubomir Cinka (Czech Republic) who smoked his pipe continuously for 3 hr 4 min 35 sec at the 2001 World Cup in Pipesmoking Championship which was held at Ascot racecourse, Berkshire, UK, on 14 October 2001. Each contestant started with a championship briar pipe handed out by the organisers, two matches, 3g tobacco and a wooden tamper. They were sat at tables of ten with a steward at each table. So 6gm baccy and you have a good days fishing !


Re: Pipes

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:21 am
by GhyllManor
Watermole+ wrote:I used to smoke a pipe regularly. The best of all was on a warm summer's evening, just as the light was beginning to fail. I was a regular night fly fisher for sea trout then and you dare not start before nightfall, lest the fish were spooked by the line. The rod would be set up, the fly for openers, carefully selected..everything checked..and then that magic hour of waiting...laying quietly in the grass, out of sight of the fish, just listening..watching the bats and gently drawing on a well-packed briar full of Navy cut that sweet tang of molasses...

..and it kept the midges away!!

Have to admit to really enjoying my pipe then. Sometimes, on a warm, still night, I would fish in the company of a friend who also smoked a briar. His favourite was a Falcon, full of St.Bruno.. If I close my eyes and remember the scene, I can still smell the occasional whiff of it, wafting gently through the black, night air from the next pool where he was fishing...the soft music of rapid water from the head of a pool...the screech of a tawny (usually right above your head where it would frighten you out of your boots!!) ..the sudden crash of water as a fresh run sea trout, newly arrived in the pool, exploded on the surface..

I'm there! wonderful prose :)

..Magic nights indeed..fondly remembered..

Re: Pipes

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:48 pm
by BendSomeCane
Today saw me in sheffield which is the one and only chance I get to top up my pipe tobacco. Anyway after purchasing my favourite rub, I noticed a sweet blend that took me by surprise . It sounds mad but an ounce of coconut cream has got me hooked on the flavour .. It's lovely and mild with pleasant taste.
Give it a go pipe smokers !

Re: Pipes

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:41 pm
by JimmyR
BendSomeCane wrote:Today saw me in sheffield which is the one and only chance I get to top up my pipe tobacco. Anyway after purchasing my favourite rub, I noticed a sweet blend that took me by surprise . It sounds mad but an ounce of coconut cream has got me hooked on the flavour .. It's lovely and mild with pleasant taste.
Give it a go pipe smokers !
Will give it a go, must admit to liking flavoured tobacco, yes will try it and let you know what i think.


Re: Pipes

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:55 pm
by Shaun Harrison
Thorough contentment.


Just been looking at my pipe collection in their racks, but have fought the urge for several years now, but that chimp does look content watching his float bobbing away downstream.