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Re: The lost letters of Dick Walker

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:52 pm
by Gary Bills
KevClifford wrote:Fairlies Birthday: Similar letters to Mr Hassan's were written to lots of people. I have copies very similar to Mr Hassan's and seen several others written to people like Chris Ball (by the way Chris knew a long time ago that suprisingly no photos of the 58 existed). It says much about Dick that he didn't get sick to death of writing the same replies to the same questions. Others in Dick's position might have had standard copies made and just signed them. Before the mid 70s Dick used to write most of them in longhand, but during the 70s it probably got too much and he had a secretary type them from his dictation.
But despite all the obstacles, Kevin, shouldn't there be an authoritative, edited collection of the Walker letters? - from as many as people can find?
I certainly meant no slight at all concerning Chris Ball when I mentioned the missing 58 pic :Hat: - I think, if my memory serves me correctly, he mentions his surprise, in "The King Carp Waters", that no picture seems to exist: that's odd, given Walker's fondness for photography...
Perhaps, one day, we'll all be pleasantly surprised? :Sun:

Re: The lost letters of Dick Walker

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:18 am
by Grinner
Gary Bills wrote: But despite all the obstacles, Kevin, shouldn't there be an authoritative, edited collection of the Walker letters? - from as many as people can find?
Excuse me for jumping in here, but this topic is of great interest and on 'the list' of areas to investigate. By all accounts there's a lot of letters out there, and some quite long, so a mammoth task to try and get people to provide a copy of what may be a very personal, perhaps treasured possession, decipher the hand written ones, and produce some compilation that's of interest. Certainly a worthwhile endeavour though, and one which I'm sure we'd be supportive of.

Since the release of No Need To Lie in December, a number of people have been in touch who mention they have the odd letter, and recount a few tales of how RSW inspired them etc. I get the feeling that they are rather proud to have the letters, and would hopefully be only to pleased to share them for the benefit of others. Having seen a few, I think they do give a slightly different insight into many aspects covered before, and perhaps some that haven't.


Re: The lost letters of Dick Walker

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:57 pm
by Chris Bettis
Thanks for sharing those letters with us. Fascinating to read.