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Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:15 am
by BJMason
Hi Ashbycut.
Thanks, my mistake. Bernard.

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 4:02 pm
by Sneaky
I grew up with Knockers shop,he was a real gypsey dealer!! ,never let the pound walk out of his door.I remember my 1st rod was saving to buy Knocker used to say "how much this week Joey",out would come my savings,(a pocket full of pennies I'd earned getting coke with my pram wheel's) even at that age I knew Knocker would knck the price as he did for all us kids.Those characters have gone forever. I was a good friend of Barry Jonas who knocker taugh how to build/repair rods he was also very good.When Bill died Barry went to work for another shop in Bath st.Jesus the memories you've rekindled, I used to do some work for Bill at his home on kenilworth rd,I'd play games with him about the price for the work I'd let Knocker beat my price down to see the twinckle in his eye! .God had a problem when knocker arrived!!! ,I for one will always bless him. :Ok:

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 6:06 pm
by Bob Brookes
Hi Sneaky,
I left 24 Russell Terrace in 1961 to live up the Kingsway, although I carried on using Knockers until about 1971. Alan Wood (Woody Allan & the Challengers andhe died earlier this year) was Bill's grafter, until he set up Ultra Floats, with Chris Archer (Famous Leamington fishing family). When he left, Barry became his 'lad'. He should have stayed as he would have likely taken on the business when Bill & Gladys retired.

The last time I went to the shop while it was owned by Knocker, was about 1986 when I had him make a rod for my son. At the time we were living in Nottingham and we came down especially to collect it. I went to his funeral some years later and went back to Kenilworth Road afterwards. I could tell you some right tales about him, many that few would have heard.
What is your name & do you know me? Clapham Terrace 1948-1954, Campion 1954-1958, Apprentice at Eagle Engineering, Lockheed 1977-1986.

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:09 pm
by Bob Brookes
You have a private message (PM)!

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:15 pm
by CraigM
AshbyCut generously donated a WH Norris roach rod to the TFF charity raffle in 2012 & I was lucky enough to win it.

It is seeing "active service" on the Shawford stretch of the Itchen Navigation on a fairly regular basis.

First visit to this particular thread.

Regards AC.

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:49 pm
by AshbyCut
Good to know it's being used CraigM, Sir ... and that it found a good home. Long may it last.

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:01 pm
by AshbyCut
I have just returned from the Redditch Fair where I was accosted by young Bob Brookes ... a TFF member with whom I have exchanged messages on the forum but not met, until today.

All I can say is an enormous "thank you," Bob.

Out of the blue this gentleman presented me with a 9 ft., 2 piece, fibre glass fly rod in the most excellent condition, duly inscribed "W. H. Norris. Leamington Spa. 'The Kingfisher.' "

It also has the initials "N. J. P." ... now ... I wonder who that could be ?

Photographs will follow, when the light allows.

Needless to say ... your generosity is most appreciated Mr. Brookes, Sir ... and this rod will not only be treasured but will provide me with a real incentive to learn the gentle arts of 'fluff chucking.'

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:46 pm
by Bob Brookes
You are most welcome Sir.

I know that you will make it sparkle once more and hopefully grass a few 'spotties' on it. It was a pleasure to put a face to the name, as I did with several other folks today. I hope you had a good show and achieved all objectives.

My day started well when I spotted you and it just continued in the same way until I clocked out and went to Garry Mills' factory unit on the way home. I collected a landing net from Andy Batchelor and a 2 piece handle for it from Paul Cook. I topped up with some lovely floats from Andy Field and some carp controller floats from Les Shaw to boot. Oh yes, I have seen the next rod I want, which I hope to land in the next few weeks.

I put a face to more names and aliases including Loop & Snape etc. So an all round good day was had by me a and the two other chaps I took along.


Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:20 pm
by Penninelad
I was a regular visitor to Knocker Norris's and bought most of my tackle and bait there until I left the area in 1972.We would cycle to the shop and it was a great treat to go down the steps to the shop and look through to the rod making workshop which was adjacent.Knocker made me a float rod in about 1962 and later a fibreglass fly rod.Both of these rods were stolen when all my fishing tackle was stolen in a burglary at my home in Cheshire in 1994.As I had accumulated this tackle since I started fishing in 1956 I was devastated and gave up fishing completely until 2004.Stolen were many rods made by well known makers as well as my collection of centre pin reels as well as rods I had made myself.The only thing left was canvas bucket!Having started fishing again I now fish all over Britain & Ireland for both coarse and game fish

Re: Bill (Knocker) Norris

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:27 pm
by LuckyLuca
Welcome to the TFF Penninelad.
Sad story to introduce yourself with, but at least you are back angling and now amongst friends!