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Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:45 pm
by RBTraditional
No pms received Shaun but no worries, great to see that there may at last be some movement toward a permanent and lasting testimonial for Bernard. Thank you for getting the ball rolling and if I can play my part in some small way in helping this come to fruition I will be only too happy to do so.

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:25 pm
by Shaun Harrison
On the bank now with limited reception and battery life. Will try again Monday when I'm back indoors.

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:48 am
by Shaun Harrison
Just P.M.'d again RBTraditional. If you don't get this one please try sending one to me for me to reply too. It does appear to be say in my 'outbox' this time though - the previous 2 weren't.

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:44 am
by Shaun Harrison
RBTraditional wrote:If that were to go ahead, wouldn't it be a lovely idea to use the profits toward a proper recognition of Bernards life and work, whether that be the setting up of an appreciation society, a plaque in Ham Street on the Romney Marsh where he spent his early years....whatever the man really does need some lasting testimonial. When you think of how highly we regard him I'm surprised it has never happened.....I'd love to be involved in some way but sadly don't have the contacts, knowledge of the net to instigate such a tribute.....and it frustrates me.
Right then gentlemen. The deadline dates are getting closer for the writing of the final chapters of 'Red Letter Days 2' and following on from RBT's excellent suggestion copied above, would anyone like to pick this up as a project in memory of Bernard Venables?

When we contributed our chapters to the first Red Letter Days book 22 years ago all proceeds went to Bernard Venables in an attempt to get him back into a country cottage where he felt so much more comfortable than the place he had been moved to (forced out of the cottage he had lived in for years). This along with other things made it possible and Bernard lived his life out in pleasant surroundings.

I have opened the gates with the Editor of Red Letter Days 2 and he agrees it a marvellous idea but being up to his neck in the actual Editing and handling of the many illustrations to run along a similar style to the first edition, he feels he hasn't the time to be able to do this justice and would like someone to pick this project up.

Anyone who feels they have the time to look at a plaque or similar and obviously gain the necessary council approval, contact me via a P.M. or ring me during office hours on 0115 849 7129 and I will put you in contact with Mick Cutler who is organising the book so that you can have a chat.

Bernard's name certainly deserves to be there for all to see for many years to come.


Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:33 am
by Shaun Harrison
No-one from Bernard's local area(s) wanting to help on this to remember the great man that brought so much to this pastime of ours?

Myself sat here on the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire border isn't really the person to pick this one up, not knowing the areas concerned where a plaque or similar could be sited. I'm happy to do as I have by putting the suggestion forward to the person behind the next book and getting him to agree, (which I have done) but it needs someone else to do a bit too.

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:44 am
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Have you contacted Fennel?

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:29 am
by Shaun Harrison
P.M. sent to you SK

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:29 pm
by Martin James
I first met Bernard in the early days of Angling Times when he turned up on the banks of the river Medway when Angling Times were releasing tagged perch, one was worth £25-00. I took along my Mr Crabtree Goes Fishing, which I was awarded with when I won the school book prize. I was rather nervous but eventually plucked up the courage to as Mr Venable Please Sir would you sign my book? He was a charming man who I have spent a lot of time with over the years. For a long period of time Bernard disappeared from public view. While working for BBC Radio 5 I set out to bring Bernard back to the general public, after some time researching his where about I discovered his wife Eileen working in a Salisbury bookshop. What a charming lady and still with us. On my 50th birthday I turned up at Bernard’s home to have lunch with Bernard and Eileen, certainly a momentous occasion. I then run a series of interviews on the breakfast programme and many more programmes with Bernard over the years, until his passing. Rest in Peace Bernard Venable MBE

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:45 pm
by RBTraditional
Wonderful memories you have Martin. Bernard was a giant in the Angling world and very much missed by many of us that are over 50 and can remember the massive influence he had on our early Angling lives.

Re: Red Letter Days

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:53 pm
by Mario
i have a very special copt of the book it has two drawings by john searl one of bernard and one of under water scene of fish there are many signatures in it too including bernard and chris yates and many more well none anglers