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Re: Lure fishing

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:56 pm
by Blueavocet
I spent most of my 30's lure fishing and yes, that increasingly centred on micro lures and fishing for chub and Perch in particular. It has all the roving appeal of fly fishing from where I started. There are delightfully some lovely cane spinning rods to pick up and often at prices cheaper than their float/avon counterparts. I still micro lure fish and am content to catch a small to medium sized pike using this approach. An 8-10lb pike on a light rod and a micro lure is a nice challenge. I have caught chub to 6lb on the lure and they are fine sport. People forget what fine cannibals big chub are! I'm not the sort though to buy vintage lures. If I have a lure I want to fish it and then I fret about a lost Heddon!