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Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:54 pm
by Crucian
Beautifully executed Sir, a lovely thing to behold :Hat:

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:07 pm
by Old Man River
A work of art Watermole .
I used to operate a Ward 2a back in the dim and distance past , I used to make landing net pole heads, during my half hour lunch break, but never got around to attempting a full on centrepin.Never graduated to a centrelathe. I would love to be able to try my had again, dont think it will ever happen though.


Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:25 am
by MGs
A fine reel as always. I'm sure the new owner will thoroughly enjoy it.

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:08 am
by Beresford
Dare I Write that the inside is even more beautiful that the outside.

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:43 am
by Fredline
Another gem from Watermole, these are skills I can only imagine. My eyes have changed colour Ted.

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:36 am
by Nobby
I expect he's back in the workshop making something else by now.

What most of you won't know it that that old Myford was rescued from a neighbours garden in a right old rusty state and re-built by Watermole with a number of significant improvements.

Some of those improvements will have been used on this reel; a system that uses the gearbox as a mechanical computer to put the reel in the right place to have those holes drilled in the spool( think Babbage!) .... he literally dials in the number of holes he wants .... and a whole new remote tool post for non-centre drilling and machining.....all made on the very lathe that caries them!

Oh, btw Beresfod, the liquid is "soluble"....a blend of a special oil and water that both cools and lubricates the work. I used to get covered in the stuff working a capstan enthusiastically and I found it made me somewhat'regular'. Watermole made his own system with a pump added to the existing 'bathtub' lathe bed. No surprise there then.........

And now he's added anodising and engraving to his armoury.

Watermole, you might find all those people on Chris Lythe's waiting list contacting're every bit the engineer he is.....and more.
I like the way you have taken Hardy's Conquest and even made the new reel look like one too, yet improved it no end.

I don't think there's anyone else in the country who makes bespoke reels in this manner....others make their own designs and they have huge waiting lists. You're making the customer's design....a truly 'bespoke' service. And probably a unique one..possibly in the whole World.

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:21 pm
by Lea Dweller
I think that it is time I owned up to being the proud owner of the latest creation from Watermole + . Some of you will probably have guessed from the pictures of the reel that have been posted in the last couple of days. The reel is called The Powell Conquest for reasons that I will explain. It is the result of several conversations that happened quite some time ago regarding what I would want from the "Perfect Reel" I had always admired the Hardy Conquest as it looked and handled very well and did almost all that I required. I then purchased a "ventilated" Conquest that I thought was even better, although to some purists it represented a good reel ruined! When I was offered the opportunity to have my perfect reel made to my specification a larger version of the ventilated Conquest was my choice. What I didn't expect was the thing of beauty that David ( Watermole + ) has created. The mixture of metals used, the unique design of the back plate, fittings and reel foot are a joy. It will retrieve line at I believe, three turns to the yard, a big improvement on the standard Conquest. The finishing touch is The Powell Conquest engraved on the back plate, a wonderful surprise. The lovely handles are turned from pieces of Turkish Walnut, I have even been given a spare set in African Ebony, should I require a change. The whole project is a dream fulfilled, by a gentleman with very special talents. It is my intention to return to Devon to fish with the maker using my reel, this will be a treat for both of us. The fact that I was able to briefly use the Myford lathe to slightly reduce a billet of aluminium, gave me more pleasure than you could imagine, what a treat! The pictures that I am posting will give some indication of how happy I am with my perfect reel, it is truly a dream fulfilled and I am hoping that you can see and handle this wonderful creation on TFF outings in the future. I can never thank my friend Watermole + enough, it is a truly wonderful Christmas surprise! Image Image

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:29 pm
by MGs
A proud owner. Enjoy catching plenty with it

Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:36 pm
by Wallys-Cast
The smile says it all Ted, so pleased for you mate, well done.


Re: New, all-metal custom Centrepin..

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:52 pm
by Paul D
Wonderful Ted, what a lovely thing to own, I hope it gives you many years of pleasure :Hat: