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Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:02 pm
by River Roach
Good to hear the little river is treating everyone well. Being local sometimes makes it harder to get the time in. Always have a make the most of it plan for days off. But the time I have put in the river has been hard. Caught plenty of bream and Rudd and eels but those blasted roach. I've seen them well over 2 lb but I just can't seem to catch them. The flow of the river is somewhat mind boggling. The first 6 inches seem to pull with some force but after that everything drops through like a lead. This makes presentation extremely tricky. I've watched a shoal of roach follow my hook bait. And there's something not quite right and they bolt.

May I ask what techniques others have used and what has worked?
I.e stick or waggler?

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:29 am
by Danny Boy
the river heacham,what a nice little river ,I started fishing this river in the 70's and caught allsorts from this river many a summer evening sat on the bank as a boy with my 6ft cane rod ,quill float unless I was fishing the inlet gate just by the small bridge at south beach in which case I would plonk a ledger in the pool in front of the gates ,best time to catch was when the tide was coming in ,I caught dab ,place (which I have seen swim up river past the south beach bridge) ,roach (from the straight you mention and also from a few of the little off takes of the river) ,brown trout,sea trout and rainbow (I used to work at Norfolk lavender and had been given permission to fish the river there ,seen some big trout and roach in that stretch of river) ,dace ,some big eels from the margins at night.the best bait I found was worm,had many a memory from there

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:14 pm
by Bigoll
I finally made it back to the Heacham over the weekend but it was a rather sad looking trickle of very clear water full of algae and weeds - a sign of the times after the scorching summer we've had in the south and east this year. There were a few shoals of rudd and dace around but it was difficult to cast and they didn't seem interested (either that or the conditions made correct presentation impossible). Very disappointing after waiting so long to return, but that's the way things go sometimes.

The next day, determined to get a better bit of fishing in, I took River Roach's advice and headed to Fakenham for a bash at the free section of the Wensum upstream of the Wensum Lodge. It's a very pretty stretch of river running clear over patches of streamer weed and cabbages, with some enticing overhangs on the opposite bank and some well-maintained platforms. There wasn't much sign of activity (though it was sunny and warm at the time) but 3 dace and the biggest gudgeon I've ever seen were brought to the net over an hour or two. I'll definitely be back for another go and will explore the river downstream of the Lodge, but it was barely a trickle yesterday.

We need some rain!

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:52 pm
by River Roach
Bigoll you couldn't have timed it worse the fish a heacham seem to have started there move. A move iv yet to be able to track. They move further on into the private stretches. I shall do an early morning walk before the weather gets to rough.

As for fakenham the weed was cleared Monday, I have never seen this happen befor and am not sure what has brought it on but I do have a few susspitions. E.i. I bumped into John bailey exploring the river a couple of weeks back.

As for down stream of the lodge is always good fun for a couple of hours roving. Mainly trout that side but you have a good chance of a 2lb plus which is always fun in such a tiny water.

And add insult to injury we have had rain all day today and the forecast has it set to continue. So should be nice and high by the end of the week

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:54 pm
by Rutland Rod
Could any of you gentlemen who know this river tell me if its worth having a few hours on this water in the winter and if so what could I reasonably expect to catch.
Tight lines

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:18 am
by Bigoll
Just noticed we left a man hanging here! Apologies, Rutland Rod. I'm afraid I've only fished the river during the warmer months but have caught roach, dace and eel in the main. I've seen others catch bream and carp and who knows what else might be in there. River Roach suggests that the fish migrate upstream during winter so the stretch along the beach may be less productive at the moment, but always worth a go I'd say. I was there last weekend and the river looked in great condition but sadly I didn't have time to cast a line.

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:28 pm
by Rutland Rod
Many thanks for the info Bigoli, I will def give it a go sometime, most likely when it warms up, I'm on a day off tomorrow but all the local rivers/streams are flooded so will have a couple of hours in the afternoon on a day ticket pool a few miles from home, will use prawns for the first time ever for Perch or whatever comes along ! Tight lines Dave

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:40 am
by Lime&Flint
Did anyone fish the Heacham river in 2020?

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:41 am
by Lime&Flint
Did anyone fish the Heacham river in 2020?

Re: Heacham River, Norfolk

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:35 pm
by Silfield
I had planned to have a couple or three days roving
various small rivers up that way. The Wensum above Fakenham, Nar, Heacham and Blackwater amongst others were all on the cards (dependant on access!) but the lurgy put those plans on hold for a while.