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Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:39 pm
by Steve Reed
I used to fish Black Park Lake when I was a kid. It is adjacent to Pinewood Studios and was used as a film set in a lot of old British films of the 60s and 70s. It is a public park and was always busy during the hours of daylight. On this particular day a friend and I arrived in the early evening to night fish one of our favourite swims. We were a bit surprised to see that the area behind the swim had been set up as a graveyard, presumably as a set for the latest horror film. Although the headstones were polystyrene it looked convincing, especially as the light began to fade. We made a few jokes about zombies and ghosts and then we busied ourselves setting up our rods to fish for the lake's resident tench and bream. It was well into dark and we were beginning to doze when there was a distinct sound of something landing in the water. It sounded like someone throwing a stone in but we convinced ourselves it was an acorn or a conker falling from a tree (even though this was in June and there were no conkers or acorns on the trees). Then there was another splash, and another. Over the next couple of hours we grew increasingly frightened as it became obvious that someone in the inky blackness behind us was throwing stones over our heads into the lake. Some hit the branches above our heads and fell short of the water. One hit my fishing companion on the back. By now it was past midnight and if someone was having a joke and deliberately trying to scare us the were making a good job of it. We plucked up courage and armed with torches searched the mock graveyard and a few yards beyond but the place seemed deserted. Eventually the stones stopped and we fished the night out never being able to completely relax. The grey light of dawn was never more welcome.

I have always thought that there was some idiot out there determined to scare the hell out of a couple of lads rather than any supernatural explanation. With the lake being part of a public park there was always the risk of encountering strange people at all hours. On another occasion our peace was shattered at about 2.00 a.m. when a car pulled into the car park and some very excited people got out. A few minutes later we heard someone crash into the water in the next swim and when we switched our torches on we were surprised to see a young couple swimming in the shallows. I think under the circumstances they were more surprised than us as they were both stark naked! Happy days!



Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:28 pm
by Boston
Looking over the self take pictures I had just done of a very pretty 20+ mirror carp on a cool winters night,I sat for half an hr with a closed throat and tears in my eyes(which I get when im spooked)before realising the white ghostly figure behind me was actually my hot breath caught on camera...what a relief,no need to pack up and go home I thought....

A warm Halloween night on my own,not a breath of wind,the only sound I could hear was my pounding heartbeat,irratic breathing caused by unsuspecting thuds on the ground behind me,trees russleing n brashes shakeing,daylight couldn't come quick enough,it would of been a lovely night if it weren't for those pesky squirrels..