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Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:55 pm
by The VFC
Why is your creel having a bath Slackbladder - I was very jealous of it by the way!?

Great to meet you too - I'm slowl putting names to TFF faces and promise to come better supplied with tea and cake next time!


Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:00 pm
by J.T
Couldn't make it this time round, hope everyone had a good day. :)

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:20 pm
by Trevor
The VFC wrote:Why is your creel having a bath Slackbladder - I was very jealous of it by the way!?

Great to meet you too - I'm slowl putting names to TFF faces and promise to come better supplied with tea and cake next time!

Giving it a soak to tighten it up a bit. I have a ready made solution for the missing strap as well - an unused dark brown leather shoulder strap from my work bag, which suits it quite nicely.
Better go and check on it again to see if the Matey needs topping up...

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:25 pm
by Bob Brookes
Good to put a face to the name, I hope you had a good fair.
Best fishes,

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 9:04 pm
by PondLife
Haydn Clarke wrote:
Lucky Strike wrote:I couldn't make it either unfortunately. Please tell me that there were no Craftversa's.
There was a Craftversa. I had a waggle of it and rather lovely it was, too.
Haydn was it was for sale and if so how much?. Regards, Pondlife.

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 9:18 pm
by Haydn Clarke
PondLife wrote:
Haydn Clarke wrote:
Lucky Strike wrote:I couldn't make it either unfortunately. Please tell me that there were no Craftversa's.
There was a Craftversa. I had a waggle of it and rather lovely it was, too.
Haydn was it was for sale and if so how much?. Regards, Pondlife.

I dare not ask the owner, fearing it would be worth more than the combined value of my entire collection of a dozen or so not-to-be-sneezed-at canes. I'm not even sure if it was for sale or not and I shalln't name the owner as it's not really for me to say. He does frequent this forum though, so if he sees this, and then feels fit to comment.....

A lovely lovely rod though.

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:08 am
by Nobby
I asked! It wasn't !!

In fact it was the property of another stall holder. I was allowed a waggle...probably a daft thing to do as I'm now thinking of selling my entire collection to fund a newly-built one from Andrew Davis.

Andy Batchelor was there with a sexy old Aerial Popular....not a trace of wear in it and it spun as though it had a spell cast on it....which of you lucky devils bought that then? It was a total steal at £200.
Andy had some of his superb ash-hoop landing net heads there and was knocking those out cheap too, complete with khaki dyed nets on them. Perhaps he was catching the bus home and wanted to clear his table, Andy was giving it away!

Paul Cook revealed at last why he's been snaffling-up all the line winders: He's making new ones.
Four winders, a 'shot and caps' etched sliding lid and four of his floats. What's more the winders had the two 'bone' discs for trapping the line so you don't have to muck about with elastic bands.
Typical Paul, he's taken winders to a new level, and he had a few new float styles and designs too.

Jim's Vintage Tackle Company had loads of fully restored gem there you all missed !

Jim also had his bargain basement rods too. He didn't talk these up so much, but a fully restored roach rod for £25 is just a steal. OK it was four inches the most...but it had such a light tip it wouldn't matter a bit...still thinner than any other 'match' rod in the building and so light it floated on air.

It was great to at last meet so many TFFers. And thanks to Jim for giving my old bones somewhere to sit for a bit.

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:52 pm
by Paul Cook

Nobby is correct but there was also another method in my madness regarding my collecting line winders . I did want to make some and after much deliberation I took the plunge . Fiddly and time consuming but also very rewarding . I have also got to thank another forum member , Haydn for his sterling effort in sourcing me some really ancient rosewood which was well over a 100 years old , a fitting vintage timber to make a line winder from , sort of ties everything in nicely . Also Haydn very Kindly cut all the timber up for me to suitable lengths to work from , a mean task in itself as rosewood has a nasty habit of shattering , without his help I would still be whittling away .

As usual the fair is always something to look forward to with all the associated goodies availible and it is also nice to say hello to various people and put names to faces . Recieved 4 beautiful floats from Andy Bachelor [ thanks Andy] picked up a couple of old floats , yet more to fill up my ever increasing collection of winders . All in all a good day and look forward to the next one in November . In the meantime poor old patient Jim of the VFC shall recieve his long awaited Avocet now the winder making bug is over .

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:56 pm
by Nobby
They look so good Paul.

Just sending you an e-mail.

Re: National Vintage Tackle Fair - 19th May 2013

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:57 pm
by AshbyCut
Stunning, Paul. Well done indeed.