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Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:11 pm
by Tench Dreamer
Big fan of BBs writings on angling meself hearing that the owner of the mans reel learned his fishing skills out of a roach hole in the Thames above chiswick bridge and ponds at Barnes let alone steps at the ice rink in Richmond ... As a westlondoner of birth and a childhood/ young man knowledge of those areas some 35 years ago ..its a stroll down memory lane and a tale about the big mans reel too ..Len tell me more about that roach hole .. We only ever fished at the eyot in chiswick and on those steps at Richmond ... Swam at chiswick too when cut off by the tide

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:31 pm
by Len Arbery
Hello Dace Ace, (Me? I'm not even a minnow maestro!)

Thanks for your ingenious solution for collecting and then measuring the water 'BB's' reel would displace. There is, though, the consideration that parts of the reel are constructed from various other materials, handles, spindle, bushes, screws and springs for example, thereby, well at least to my mind, compromising the accuracy of any result. But, whatever the truth, I'm going to leave the status quo.

Hello Tench Dreamer,

I was brought-up in Barnes, living in the area until about 20 years of age, spanning the years 1939-59. It was a great place to have spent one's formative years - close to London and yet with a countryside atmosphere.

Within the replies to my Twenty Question Interview, may be found references to some of my childhood fishing haunts, including Barnes Pond and The Roach 'ole. The latter being the local sewerage plant outfall. The stuff being pumped direct into the Thames here then was repugnant and decidedly unwholesome, to say the least, but the roach didn't seem to mind, and they looked in great condition, too.

This picture below of Barnes Pond, taken in the 1950's, actually shows the area from which I caught my very first fish on rod and line. And there is absolutely no truth in the scandalous rumour that the adjacent notice board carried the legend, 'No Fishing'!


But there were other venues well within my cycling powers, too, Ham Pits, the reservoirs in Lonsdale Road, Penn Ponds in Richmond Park, Charlton Pits near Laleham, and perhaps my favourite of the times, Penton Hook, on the Thames twixt Staines and Laleham, to name but a few. I have very fond memories of them all.



Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:34 am
by Nobby
I'm quite sure I remember that sign saying " No fish in"

and of course, you proved them wrong, Len :whistle:

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:31 pm
by Tench Dreamer
Len . Quite something this to be talking to a man who purchased BBs rod n reel ( pre 1989) .. Met him and also I'm sure talked and talked .. I would have asked him about Tench fishing , where had he and what tackle he'd used etc .

Also I know you knew FJT , at the age of 14 I wrote to him via the shooting times ...and I got a handwritten and signed reply ..what a gent .

But did BB share any personal course fishing tales ? .....gotta ask I'm sure you understand Tench ..its in me name :Hat:

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:12 pm
by Invicta
Just noticed this interesting thread.
I was responsible for providing the reverse engineering drawings for Barry Grantham and subsequently have my own which I believe was his first.
I have to say without Len's help we could never have done it.
I spoke to quite a few of the old Carp Catchers about it, at the time including Jack Hargreaves, Ingham and Gerry Berth Jones but none knew very much about it.
I still have mine though it does not get used as much these days.
Hell of a retrieve rate!!


Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:20 pm
by Paul D
That's wonderful Sir, could we/I have some more details? :Hat:

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:42 pm
by QuinetteCane
Brilliant Invicta, a connection to the elusive BG products.
Do you have any knowledge of the Grantham Stalker version?
I do hope so.

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:55 pm
by Len Arbery
I like it Nobby, but, can't take the credit; plenty of like-minded souls fished Barnes Pond during the time I was a child, and not all youngsters by any means.

One boy, who had his broken leg in plaster, could be often seen one summer kneeling on an old lorry innertube, complete with already assembled rod and reel, paddling out to fish from the island. I used to see him whilst waiting for the No9 bus to take me to school. Oh! How I then wished for a similar injury; you wouldn't believe how much I envied him.

Hello Tench Dreamer,

When visiting 'BB' most, if not all of our conversations centred on carp, and Redmire Pool in particular. Therefore, I fear, I have no 'BB' tench stories to pass on.

When Kevin Clifford and I were collecting material for our book, 'Redmire Pool', Dick Walker was a terrific source of knowledge and inspiration. Dick it was who suggested 'BB' be contacted and passed on his address. Therefore, perhaps, you may just understand why we never got around to discussing much else.

Here's one of my favourite photographs of 'BB'; plainly taken long before we met.


Fred J. Taylor I knew for much longer, and I really grew to love him. Yes, he had his idiosyncrasies, (don't we all?) and he didn't suffer fools gladly. I like this story Chris Tarrent tells:

As a youngster, Chris visited the Kennet for, I think, the first time. An older, more experienced angler, noticed Chris struggling and took him under his wing. Pointing out what to look for, likely fish holding areas etc. This 'more experienced angler' turned out to be none other than Fred J. Chris couldn't believe it; here was one of the most famous coarse anglers of the day, a friend and confident of Dick Walker, one of the famed 'Taylor Brothers', a member of the inspirational Carp Catchers' Club, taking the time to put a young, then unknown of course, boy on the right track. Chris, Like you TD, has never forgotten that incident and Fred's kindness, and often mentions it.

Here's a picture taken on another never to be forgotten day: The occasion being when I picked-up and took three angling legends, Peter Stone, Fred J. and Maurice Ingham, to Redmire Pool for the day. This was 'Stoney's one and only visit, and Maurice's first trip for many years. Halcyon times!




Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:57 pm
by QuinetteCane
A delightful study of BB there. I love the hairstyle, Windswept and Interesting to paraphrase that scottish comedian fellow.
The Cravat looks to be a bandana pinned up to hold it in place. A style for SK to adopt on his tweedy days I fancy?
None Intended SK.
Once again thanks for posting the pics Len.

Re: BB's Reel

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:36 pm
by Tench Dreamer
Just one more question re BB ... OK he was a carp angler ( I've had confessions since 1987).. But I get the impression he ( despite owning a rolls Royce of rod and reel) was a occasional carper and whilst being one of the first , wasn't any obsessive himself ..maybe only a handful of tackle if you know what I mean. All of his writings have the stripped back beauty and simplicity of the wildfowler ... Was there a room full of gear and all that jazz.....sure I heard he only had a handful of flies...please tell us what you know ...thanks and I'll leave it at that :Hat: