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Re: Pipes

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:19 pm
by Chris Bettis
I have been a pipe smoker for 60 years now. Used to smoke St Bruno but it seemed to have a lot of stalk and large pieces of tobacco in it and I have now changed to Condor which I like just as much. The Falcon Pipes are all I use now, they can be cleaned very easily, do not get blocked the way an ordinary pipe can, smoke cooler and are very robust. All you can ask for! BUT please do not start to smoke to look traditional!.

Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:30 am
by Hermit
Interesting thread. The pipe helped wean me off the dreaded fags and for the past ten years or so I have been able to confine my smoking to the river bank in the main.

In praise of the Falcon I find it perfect for the occasional smoker, easy to use and 'forgiving' in the sense that infrequent use invariably means I tend to smoke it too hard/hot initially. Coupled with the fact that the baccy is likely to be drier having been left in the pouch, I need a tool which helps provide a cooler smoke and here I find the Falcon scores. I don't like the look of it much (agree it's a bit agricultural) especially the bent one which I'm currently using but it really holds back the goo - especially with the filters available and it smokes really well.

I'm a St Bruno stalwart and have never found a better blend for my taste - but Carey's No7 dark flake gets near the mark, it's not quite so strong.

Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:03 am
by Noodle
Over the falcon thing I prefer these which were made by falcon

The bowl seals better, the nylon but is removable for easier cleaning and the solid bit of aluminium is just nicer than the DIY plumbing look of a standard falcon

Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:35 am
by Noodle
As said up there don't take up smoking just to look all cool and traditional but .....
If you smoke Already and would like to knock cigs on the head consider a pipe it works it has for me anyway and a good few others there are some benefits when fishing over smoking bits of paper with plastic filters that is you leave nothing behind not even accidentally as the stuff you may dump from a pipe is just plant leaves and ash

Back to the pipes while it's sunny I've taken pictures of a few to show size etc
First up system pipes
The metal is an alco which uses the same system as a falcon, the humidome this condenses moisture out and the screw bowl can be taken off and the moisture dumped or wiped away
Above and to the right is the peterson system which has a void that causes the smoke to circle the stem and condenses the moisture into the bottom of the void this has the benefit of having a military mount which means you can take the stem out while smoking and dump the juice
Next one with the white bit is a 9mm filter and last but by no means least is the cavalier type which has a screw that you can undo and get rid of the moisture

Longer pipes with one short Dunhil to give some scale the dunhill is 4 1/4 inches long these all smoke very well fairly cool if you let them but are a pain when outside and moving around

Last short almost nose warmer types the dunhill is there again to give scale these are what I tend to use for fishing and anything remotely active with the petersons being first choice I'm smoking the cream coloured one (barling meerschaum) at the moment

That is by no means a definitive list and is intended as a quick glance at sizes to judge the portability of the things

Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:54 am
by Lea Dweller
As I am suffering from a non-serious (I hope) vocal cords related condition, I thought it proper to recount a true story. Some five years ago, it was my pleasure to meet some friends in "The Crown" pub on the banks of the Lea at Broxbourne. I was an amateur smoker and would cadge an *Old Holborn"roll up or two from either of two friends that smoked it. We would stand out side and I loved the smell and experience of these smokes. On hearing one day that one of the friends had had a heart attack and been told to stop smoking, my other friend and myself immediately stopped in support of him. Within a few weeks of leaving hospital, my friend resumed smoking and has since had two other episodes requiring "stents" to be fitted, but he is still smoking! I still pine for a puff, but in common with my other friend I will not go back. Smoking like drinking, which I also enjoy, is a personal choice thing, I would not presume to tell anyone what they should do. As this tale hopefully proves, we all make our own decisions!

Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:58 pm
by JimmyR
Does anyone remember a tobacco called "hearts of Oak" and can you still get it.
I am thinking of giving the pipe a go, only started smoking again few months ago, packed up very easy, lasted 2yrs but wanted a cigarette for the whole time.
Used to smoke packet cigarettes, now roll my own, developed a bit of a cough, not giving up again so going to have a go with cleaner tobacco, and pipe tobacco fits that bill.


Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:03 pm
by Rutland Rod
A painting by George Derville Rowlandson (1861-1928) a prolific artist / illustrator of that era dogs/hunting being a favorite subject, I wish I owned this painting !
Tight lines Dave

Re: Pipes

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:57 pm
by SparrowHawk
Sobranie was the brand name.i used to smoke the original blend usually found in a green tin although there was a range of different tobacco products in various coloured tins.Balkan Sobranie no 10 smoking mixture came in a white tin and tasted like a pipeful of autumn leaves, so much so that I actually took it back to the tobacconist and declared it unsmokable! I believe its all no longer available. The green tin variety dissapeared years ago contributing to my giving up the pipe

Re: Pipes

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:07 pm
by JimmyR
Churchyard Yew wrote:Coming into this thread a little late, however.......

BB smoked Cherry wood briars filled with Condor. I haven't seen these pipes around for quite a while, the traditional tobacconists no longer exist on the high street like they used to. I have tried these very rustic looking pipes and they smoked ok.

My preference is for the Peterson range. They are reasonably priced and smoke well, particularly when broken in.

As for tobacco's, my all time favourite was Rich Dark Honeydew. Also, I had considerable success in mixing my own blends from commercially available tobacco's. I can recommend a 50/50 mix of Condor and Gold Block. Another is a 50/50 Condor and Clan mixture.

There are online tobacconists who offer a good range of packed and loose tobacco's. It is best to stick to a limited number and have pipes dedicated to tobacco's if you can. Put two ounces of Condor through a pipe and it will be Condorised for life.

I spend quite an amount of time in Cairo and every day take a couple of hours in the evenings drinking tea and smoking Shisha pipes (Hookahs), there are also many Hookers at the hotel I frequent, smoking pipes of an entirely different ilk!!). The Egyptians know exactly how to relax, I love it over there with the different fruit flavoured tobacco's. Caught a few fish from the Nile right in the centre of Cairo. Interesting.

The Churchyard Yew
Just started the Pipe and have tried the Condor original first and found it quite strong/harsh, so have been giving the Gold block a go, bit hike smoking golden vaginia rollups but without the coughing.
So i have blended them together as suggested in the quoted post, and guess what, it is smoking just fine, no harshness and no coughing, so thank you for this tip Churchyard Yew, going to try the Black cherry.


Re: Pipes

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:30 pm
by SparrowHawk
I always found condor too strong for my taste, st bruno and benson and hedges mellow Virginia are two varieties I've enjoyed over the years . I've always smoked Peterson pipes by the way