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Identification of Rod

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:56 am
by The Old Buffer
I wonder if anyone can shed light on the likely identity of a rod I have recently acquired.

It has the Milward transfer but no rod name. It is 10'6" in length and weighs 14oz. I believe that it is in its original condition and is whipped in red. Lovely action and a joy to hold. The question. Is it a named rod or simply an unnamed light float rod from the Milward stable? I picked the rod up for £41 and consider it something of a bargain.

Re: Identification of Rod

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:37 pm
by SeanM
I suspect it might be a made to order special. The brass furniture on the handle hints at late 40s - most Milwards rods in my 1953 catalogue had aluminium reel bands. 14 oz is heavy for a light coarse rod and it does rather give the impression of a game rod. I wonder if it was originally intended as a worming rod. Are the rings original or has it been refurbished at some point?

Re: Identification of Rod

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:00 pm
by The Old Buffer
I tend to think original. It gives the impression of an original, lightly used rod.