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Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:01 pm
by BazTheFisher
Does anyone know anything about Gt Whitely Hall in Worcestershire?

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:31 pm
by Mario
is that the big lake near holt fleet which is in estste if its the same place that I cycled by a few years back look very nice but no idea who runs the fishing

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:24 am
by Mario
just done a search and it says that the fishing there is now private

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:18 am
by Dave Burr
Its been syndicated for several years I believe, good carp water though.

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:55 am
by Gary Bills
An interesting ghost story, about the pool...
A friend of mine knows someone in the syndicate there, and he had a few odd experiences. This chap heard hoof beats from a galloping horse, coming down the track by the lake..but no horse was there...pretty standard stuff, but what happened a bit later on was more extreme.
He was asleep in his bivvy, on a moonlit night, and decided to get up and stretch his legs. Apparently, he saw a bridge going over the pool, where no bridge should have existed.. He shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and the bridge vanished.
Later he - apparently - discovered that an old bridge had existed there, centures ago...
I've walked round a few times - a lovely spot.

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:20 pm
by Woodytia
I used to be in a syndicate that had a lake that was actually in the owners back garden, his Grandfather bought land bordering the lake from the owners of Whitley Court after it burned down. It was a lovely spot although I understand it has been tidied up since I stopped going there. There were carp in the lake but as access to all of the water was limited they were difficult to catch. I remember catching some massive Bream and a large eel. Other anglers caught large Pike and on occasion large Roach. I can vouch for a feeling of unease at times on this water, there was one particular pitch were I remembered being chilled to the bone on a high summer day when the sun was splitting the paving stones. Perhaps some evidence of the malevolence allegedly responsible for the fire that burned Whitley court down.

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:24 pm
by Gary Bills
Woodytia wrote:I used to be in a syndicate that had a lake that was actually in the owners back garden, his Grandfather bought land bordering the lake from the owners of Whitley Court after it burned down. It was a lovely spot although I understand it has been tidied up since I stopped going there. There were carp in the lake but as access to all of the water was limited they were difficult to catch. I remember catching some massive Bream and a large eel. Other anglers caught large Pike and on occasion large Roach. I can vouch for a feeling of unease at times on this water, there was one particular pitch were I remembered being chilled to the bone on a high summer day when the sun was splitting the paving stones. Perhaps some evidence of the malevolence allegedly responsible for the fire that burned Whitley court down.
Interesting stuff, Woodytia. Did you ever meet a chap called Martin Flavell? - he was a member, briefly, in the 1990s, - and I think he mentioned the big bream, and how hard the carp were to catch... He managed the bream and he failed with the carp...

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:30 pm
by Woodytia
Can't say I really got to know anyone down there that well, there are a few small lakes around the area the one I used to go to was bareley visible through the trees in those days, it was a fair sized water and only half the bank was available to club members. The water was stuffed with natural food and the numbers of carp were low, all commons if I remember, I don't think I saw one under 15lb, at that time is really was a neglected estate lake although people had fished it on a regular basis for a number of years, it was largely ignored because there were a number of commecial ponds in the area and of course the Severn and Larford lakes were always a big draw.

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:54 pm
by Mario
I really liked the look of the place when cycled past the place on my bike

Re: Gt Whitely Hall

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:07 am
by BazTheFisher
I walk it very often now and have found out that a small Birmingham based syndicate have access to it from the farmers field which only accounts 20/30% of the lake...what I would do for a couple of evenings on there. Truly beautiful.