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Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:25 pm
by Gammarus
About 15 years ago I acquired an Ogden Smiths "Carp Major" built by B. James and son. London, for something like £60? I have heard they are pretty rare, that's about all I know. Anyone any further info on it? I guess James made them for Ogden Smiths, but why?

It was in excellent condition and is a joy to fish with, when it comes with me, I should be more carefull with it. Not for sale by the way!

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:11 am
by Davyr
There's one for sale here at £395!

No mention of a B James connection, though?

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:27 am
by Gammarus
I saw that one on the antique site, but have found little else. Mine definately has the B.James sticker/decal on it - though nearly worn through now. I wonder if B. James provided the cane blanks to Ogden Smiths or something? Mine is in original condition, I really should care for it better.

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:39 pm
by HWKWallis
Got a pair of Major's and a MKIV carp by O/S....but none have any reference to James.

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:45 pm
by Gammarus
This is what has me puzzled. There's the Ogden Smiths 'decal sticker', then "Carp Major" in ink. Then another B. James decal. The B James has very nearly worn off, could yours have worn through perhaps, or is there something different in the build?

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:29 am
by HWKWallis
Checked the three rods again and no sign of additional stickers or evidence. There seems to be slight differences in the build on the Majors. and ferrules are what I would have associated with 'James' style common across the Majors and MKIV.
Given the percieved connection with Southwell and the O/S 'Arun' this still doesn't rule anything out...but it don't think the cane of my rods is as Southwell's is typically described.
I would note however that of the Aruns I've seen, they vary between the cigar handle (badged O/S and/or inscribed) and a slight trumpet versions which is only inscribed. I guess it is totally possible for earlier O/S rods of more than one model to have come with James provenance....

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:00 am
by Nobby
Bear in mind most of us read our descriptions of Southwell cane from just the one source, a person who was offering rods for sale at that time.

I have an image of some Southwell built rods and they are no darker than any other cane to my eye.

If Bob Southwell's hot iron node presser was that effective how come neither of his famous apprentices ever had one made for them?

I looked at some flamed culms at Chapman's last week and they were far, far darker than any rod I have ever seen apart from one Aspindale rod that I have which I must admit is pretty stiff.

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:06 pm
by HWKWallis
Couldn't agree more...assuming we're talking the same JOC.

Still, leaves me me with no sense of confidence in ever identifying Southwell should I stumble across it; but in the final analysis other than for financial reasons I guess certainty hardly matters - if the rod does the job.

I like O/S rods in general (not least for their quality) and have pursued their bottom rods, spinners, and salmon rods under 12ft which I use.
Would love to acquire an Arun which I'm personally happy with to close the book on my cane acquisitions.....but always seem to be second to others with a similar objective!


Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:48 pm
by Paul Cook
Out of interest, I had an Ogden Smiths "Arun" a few years ago . It was an exact copy of the whole cane B.James avocet , right down to the fittings and ring spacings . The only difference between the two were the appropriate names .

Re: Ogden Smiths carp rod.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:37 pm
by HWKWallis
Hi Paul,
Out of curiosity, was your rod trumpet or cigar handled?
Red or green whipped?
Transfer labelled or inscribed only?

I'll add the details to my 'X-file'......

