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I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:03 pm
by The Sweetcorn Kid
The Barbel, or River Prince, is a species I have only just scratched the surface with, a few weekend trips with Martin James recently saw me catch my first Barbel and go on to catch a personal best of 8lb 10oz. I can see why other target these powerful and elegant fish as their main quarry, the surroundings, the fish themselves and the seasons all go to make it an exciting journey through the fishing calendar.

I will, no doubt, fish for them more and more over the coming months and years. The experience I had with fishing for them on the Kennet and Lodden was exciting, that’s the word I’d best use to describe it.

I’d love to hear a few Barbel stories from some of you seasoned pro’s.

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:31 pm
by Mark
I use to fish the River Teme quite a lot in Worcester years ago.

The best I have ever managed is 8lb 8oz, the picture below is from 1996 just at the time I was changing to a traditionalist fisher, the barbel was caught on a Richard Walker Mk IV Avon rod coupled to an old wooden Nottingham reel, by god it gave me a fight, better than any carp of the same size. No comments about the hat please, I still wear it now and again.


Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:47 pm
by St.John
My first fishing love is barbel. I caught my fist at the age of 11 fishing on an island below wilton bridge in Ross on wye on a bit of lunchen meat. It was all of a pound and a half, and from that minute on I was hooked. The fight that little fish gave changed my life!!! I still use the same 'rig', small running coffin weight, 1bb, size ten to eight hook. In the winter I use the same, but with gentles and a bait dropper. My more resent passion is long trotting for them, using some lovelly harcork style avon floats have, a bulk of shot about 4 inch from a size eight with around 20 little white 'uns on. My best is 9 and a half off the float, and 11 plus on the bottom. The 9 was on the wizard, matchmaker and four pound line. Modern barbel fishing is going horrendous. A chap on my stretch, upon being asked how it's fishing, replied..'pretty crap, I've only had seven all day' as he cast his TWO POUND test curve rod with a coconut sized method feeder out into the middle of the river. Another chap I see on the town stretch uses a pair of delkims. Not judging mind, just a little shocked. The newest 'technique' is leadcore. I mean honesty. Is that really needed?

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:51 pm
by Caractacus Potts
Yes, the dear Deerstalker. I have one and occasionally wear it in some of the more secluded (long walk) swims, where I feel the chance of being ridiculed is somewhat less so !

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:53 pm
by Mark
I know what you mean ST, mine was caught on luncheon meat, No. 8 hook, using an arlesey bomb and a No.1 shot as the stopper. You can't get any more simple than that, and it works.

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:57 pm
by St.John
I find it does. Little feed, not to often, but placed well seems to work well for me. And the fish are not displaced by the lb of method mix thrown at there heads, so seem to fight well.... Probably due to the lack of concussion!! St.

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:01 pm
by St.John
Although I will own up and say I use pellets as well as trad bait.. :mrgreen:

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:04 pm
by Mark
Caractacus Potts wrote:Yes, the dear Deerstalker. I have one and occasionally wear it in some of the more secluded (long walk) swims, where I feel the chance of being ridiculed is somewhat less so !
I went past the stage of caring what I look like when I'm fishing years ago...

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:01 pm
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Admin wrote:
Caractacus Potts wrote:Yes, the dear Deerstalker. I have one and occasionally wear it in some of the more secluded (long walk) swims, where I feel the chance of being ridiculed is somewhat less so !
I went past the stage of caring what I look like when I'm fishing years ago...
Obviously!!! :laugh:

My Barbel were also caught on very basic tactics. A size 6 Pallatrax barbless hook, four massive split shots (LG size I think), and a piece of sausage paste about the size of a small spud. But it was about reading the river that was the tricky and interesting part. Sat there after dark with a tripod torch lighting up the rod tip was I must say, exhilarating. I hope to get back on the Kennet during the winter time.

Re: I Will Return

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:46 pm
by St.John
Yeah, I think you're right. The simpler you fish, the more effectively you fish. If I fish with one rod I think about EXACTLY where, why and what that bait is about. Fish two rods, and I think I loose sight a little. Anyway. I only ever get bites on one rod even if i have three out (for carp!). I usually use a mobile,roving approach for barbel, and do sometimes use two rods, although that is mostly in the winter, with one in the edge, and one in the stream..