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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:28 pm
by St.John
Again, one I've heard of but not tried. Any one used them? They're ment to be very good for roach, and i can imagine that carp would like them. Maybe mixed with hemp..

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:01 pm
by Mark
I gave them a try yesterday believe it or not. Behind me where I was fishing the hedgerow was full of them. I grabbed three big bunches and broke the stalks so there around dozen or so berries on each and threw them in. I then put the hook into one of the same size stalks and lowered it in hoping a carp would take it. I only gave it twenty minutes and went back on the luncheon meat. I think on their day they would have worked after all it is a natural bait that falls or is blown into rivers and pools. I even took some pictures, thinking about it I should have put the hook in the middle of the stalk rather than at the end but the stalks are really thin near the berries.



Re: elderberrys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:34 am
by St.John
Funny isn't it! I think I'd a small bead tied to the shank of the hook (hair rigged!) Over a bed of them, or float fished on the hook. Not easy to hook tho Imagine. The chap in my local fishing shop used to use beads on the hook, lead wire to sink the float (no false bites) and feed with the berrys. The first imitation bait maybe. Incidentally, do hair rigs count as a traditional method? Must check the complete angler..... I'm sure Walton describes one..!

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:39 am
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Well I know Walker used a variation of the Zig rig at Dagenham in the 40s, suspending a peice of crust from a lead so it popped up just below the surface!!!! :confused:

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:43 am
by St.John
Indeed. Walker would (by all accounts) use anything that gave him the edge, being the forward thinking, modern angler he was. I'm sure that if he was about now he'd have a section in carpworld all about which chemicals induce carp to feed and long range casting using the Richard walker kevlar carbon 13 foot 4l.b tc mk xi carp rod! Goo ha ha!

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:36 am
by Mark
st.john wrote:Indeed. Walker would (by all accounts) use anything that gave him the edge, being the forward thinking, modern angler he was. I'm sure that if he was about now he'd have a section in carpworld all about which chemicals induce carp to feed and long range casting using the Richard walker kevlar carbon 13 foot 4l.b tc mk xi carp rod! Goo ha ha!
Possibly true, but I like to remember Dick as he was thank you very much. :wink:

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:48 am
by St.John
Yeah, think that's better... Would have liked to have met him.

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:30 pm
by Snape
st.john wrote:the Richard walker kevlar carbon 13 foot 4l.b tc mk xi carp rod! Goo ha ha!
Not forgetting the Walker elite bait boats he would be marketing...

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:56 am
by St.John
.....complete with 10 kilo extension hopper, g.p.s., 23 l.e.d's in FIVE colours (purple 10% on top) and anti theft alarm. Alright. Now that's what I'm talking about! St.

Re: elderberrys

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:25 am
by The Sweetcorn Kid
st.john wrote:.....complete with 10 kilo extension hopper, g.p.s., 23 l.e.d's in FIVE colours (purple 10% on top) and anti theft alarm. Alright. Now that's what I'm talking about! St.
Underwater camera built into the hull to see those clear spots???