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First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:57 pm
by TrentFisher
After many false starts my river season finally got under-way on Sunday.It was only a morning session but just to be out on the river was enough for me.
It was to be a cane and pin session ,simple float fishing with maggots as the bait.

No expectations just pure enjoyment was the key.

Tackle would be a recently purchased Aspindale Avon 12ft and 31/2 inch Aerial.

Arriving at my chosen swim I tackled up and made an informed judgement regarding the depth and set the crow quill avon float to around 6ft.A broad smile on my face as the float was cast and the first run through was made to see if my depth was correct ,a little tweek and now this cast would be for real...

Perfect,the float settled ,the Aerial turned slowly with the current,the line was mended ,the float slowed and held back,it dipped and sunk out of sight.
A quick flick of the wrist and the hook was set and a sparkling Trent roach was swung to hand .That broad smile had just got bigger.

For the next hour or so many fish followed perch,chub,gudgeon dace and more roach,nothing to trouble the net but every one was in superb condition.

Then a quiet spell ,This is quite often happens when fishing like this on the Trent and sure enough my thoughts were proved to be correct as I connected with a much lager fish,from the initial charge and jagged fight a perch of around 3lb broke the surface,its bright colours sparkled in the sunlight,however as quickly as it appeared the moment was lost as the hook pulled and the cane became still.

As I continued the smaller fish returned and a few more admired before I had to be on my way and thoughts of another adventure were already in my dreams.

Here's hoping

Thank you for reading

Re: First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:01 pm
by SeanM
A lovely report Nigel. Let's hope you connect with an even bigger perch soon!

Re: First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:07 pm
by Santiago
Simple float fishing always pays dividends, great write up. I've been busy with those quills you sent so will be returning the favour fairly soon. Just a couple of simple quill floats for your kind generosity!

Re: First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:04 am
by Scott
Nice one Nigel. Sounds like a great day, sorry you lost the big perch, you'll get him next time eh? Thanks for posting :Hat: :cheers:

Re: First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:16 am
by Mark
Well done Nigel.

Re: First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:03 am
by Dave Burr
A belated welcome to the season :Hat:

Re: First adventure of the season........finally!

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:54 am
by Shaun Harrison
Simple pleasures, lovely thought provoking words.