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Impregnated cane – dark spots

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:11 pm
by Beresford
Although Shapres blanks are resin impregnated to make them waterproof I've seen dark/black spots on some rods which I assume is water damage. One of my Sharpes rods has a small black area around a whipping but the cane remains totally hard with no impression of actual rotting.

Does anybody have any thoughts on how serious this could potentially be. It does seem to be a surface marking but I guess you never know.

Re: Impregnated cane – dark spots

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:39 pm
by Match Aerial
Could just be a slash or a water mark on the Tonkin pole, most makers will cut around such marks but due to human error some find there way into the finished rods.