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Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:22 am
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Do you have a favourite item?

I know the flat cap is my favoutire item, but I am looking to extend my vintage wardrobe. not really sure what to go for though, maybe a brown waxed jacket would be a good starting point.

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:08 pm
by Snape
Not too fussed actually.

Usually just old brown/dark green clothes, Hunter field boots (neoprene lined - essential), maybe my 1980s green Barbour jacket - now very sad looking.
I don't really do hats.

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:39 pm
by St.John
Jeans, t shirt, wooly jumper, trainers..... Not so vintage in my dress I'm afraid! Although I do have a tweed bomber jacket that comes out for carping (camo!!) And an old polish army jacket that does the rounds too. And a waxed floppy hat!

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:30 pm
by St.John
But definitely not branded carp/match stuff. I'm not endorsed, so I'm not advertising!!! :wink: Maybe an allcocks or b James t-shirt tho... Although it should really be just a shirt!! :lol:

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:56 pm
by J.T
Much like St.John, I'm not so into Vintage clothing as I am vintage tackle.

I pretty much wear Green or brown….err stuff… but have also been known to wear the odd Camo T-shirt of which I am trying to brake the habit! :lol:

As for hats, I do have a Straw Fedora for the summer and a plain green wide brimmed hat for the Autumn. :)

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:19 pm
by St.John
Choice on the hats. Have a straw fosters hat (9.99 with 10th free cans of beer! Shame it wad water masquerading as beer) for the summer. I must say, I'm rather partial to a wax jacket, although all of mine need waterproofing! Hunters are always nice...

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:19 pm
by GloucesterOldSpot
There's a fine line between sporting traditional attire and looking a right berk. I can just about get away with a regular tweed sports jacket by Cordings, moleskin or cord trousers and a felt trilby or panama by Lock & Co, but not all at once. I gave up on the Norfolk jacket. Breeks are a step too far - keep them for the grouse moor if you must.

I used to have a superb pair of boots by Dubarry - the short ones they don't seem to make anymore - which were cool in summer yet extremely warm in winter, even without thick socks. I wore them out several times over, but had to throw them away in the end.

Barbours are pretty safe (I have six - three Solways, a Northumbria, a Gamefair and a Longshoreman - don't ask why!) but the hardest thing to find nowadays are good roll-neck jumpers with raglan sleeves. (I'm probably indicating a disconcerting attention to detail here...)

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:04 pm
by Tony1964
I always wear one of the John Wilson waistcoats. I prefer the original corduroy one I have in green but it was getting a bit snug ( I am sure these things shrink with age :roll: ) so I have bought a new one. I left it in the garage with my kit and a mouse has eaten right through it. It now sports a large patch on the back.
I find the waistcoats great for stalking rivers! Apart from that I normally wear old cords and a pair of wellies.

I did buy all of the latest camo gear of course but now I can't find it. Sorry :oops:

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:12 pm
by GloucesterOldSpot
Forgot about those. I have two olive green Wilson waistcoats (brilliant but sadly discontinued - like everything worth having) plus an old Barbour one for fly fishing (it has a large sheepskin fly patch which still alarms me whenever I see it out of the corner of my eye - I think I'm being attacked by a giant furry mould) and a Wychwood one.

I probably need help.

Re: Clothing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:17 pm
by St.John
You'll be fine mate, just fine..