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A trip to the dentist

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:12 pm
by Leigh
I recently purchased a reel that would compliment a retro rod, unfortunately, the reel had not been packaged that well and the handle had snapped in the post. It could have been returned for a refund but I really wanted to use this reel.

Telephoning a local company was not good news as they did not service or hold parts for DAM. I'm not an engineer so my option was to try and buy a long threaded m3 bolt or to glue it but it wouldn't have lasted after prolonged use.

Yesterday I went to a meeting a was talking fishing to a gentleman that is a dentist and told him about my broken reel, he informed me he could fix this and today and I dropped it off during his lunch break thankfully a small dentist drill and some dental filling was able to bond this together and save from the scrap heap. I owe him a beer.

Re: A trip to the dentist

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:53 pm
by Reedling
It must have been a private dentist you would not get a repair like that on the NHS. I cannot even see the repair, brilliant job :Hat:

Re: A trip to the dentist

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:56 pm
by Northern_Nomad
I think this must be same same guy I once saw fishing the Root Canal.

I’ll get my coat.....Taxi!!!!!!!

Re: A trip to the dentist

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:56 am
by Dave Burr
I used to blag old drill bits from mine - great for making your own stone weights. Other than these side benefits I am not a great lover of the dentist or his trade.

And Neil - No just NO! :Sarcasm: