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The wensum

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:28 am
by River Roach
I have recently had a few days on the wensum(as Iv mentioned on here before). i have been fishing a free stretch in fakenham and have yet to have a bad day. Iv worked in fakenham for a few years and never really taken too much notice of the river due to lots of locals telling me its a waste of time. until one day i spoke to a local fella who thought he would give it a bash and came out of it with 2 6lb chub.

After a few successful days my dad started to seem a little interested so I suggested he joined a friend and I on Sunday. His response being "well if you boys catch down there"
Sunday came I had really set out to fish it properly. Some times you arrive with intention to have a good days fishing and befor you know it's you've wasted the morning messing around, eating, drinking tea and chatting. So by the time I was happy with me rig and had put a few grabs of maggots out. My dad had been fishing half hour without a bite. First chuck, bam found them. As the day progressed I hadn't had a roach under 11 oz and had a couple of nice 1lb-2lb brownies.
The day ended with
Father: 2 roach
Me: 28 roach, 6 brownies

I think although maybe no personal best but my best days fishing yet. I just can't get enough of the trot.

Next time I want in on those chub

Anyone else fish any other stretches of the river? I recently manged to get permission to fish the bintry mill abit further along toward norwich. So that's my next stop

Re: The wensum

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:49 pm
by LuckyLuca
Well done Ben, sounds like a cracking day. You aught to have given your poor old Dad an hour or two in your swim though!

Re: The wensum

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:26 pm
by Julian
Excellent result Riverroach :thumb:

Re: The wensum

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:32 pm
by River Roach
I offered for him to have ago but, his stubborn match routes refused.

Re: The wensum

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:47 pm
by River Roach
Another successful day on the Wensum today, a little further on this time.

I had a day of fishing on my own planned, which changed last minute due to car problems. So my dad jointed me for his third wensum experience (last time he caught an I didn't)
This time we ventured a little further on and fished a stretch that runs through the bridge inn fishery in lenwade. It was a cold, very pleasant day and resulted in my first chub. Which I was/am very exited about. It's wasn't a easy days fishing but after a long morning a single maggot on an 18 hook landed me this little beautie weighing in at 3lb 9oz


Edit by Admin (picture turned round)

Re: The wensum

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:50 pm
by AshbyCut
Excellent, Sir !!!

Re: The wensum

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:55 pm
by Mark
Lovely River Roach. :Thumb:

Re: The wensum

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:55 pm
by River Roach
Caught on cane and center pin, a float I made myself and landed in a cane landing net. Which makes the job even more satisfying

Re: The wensum

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:57 pm
by River Roach
Thanks for sorting out the picture, I wasn't having fun with that. I really should have turned on my computer. I'm usless on this phone

Re: The wensum

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:02 pm
by The VFC
Well done Ben - I have to admit to turning over in bed rather than going fishing today, so this makes me especially jealous! Would be good to catch up for a fish soon - and I'm going to try and book out Felbrigg Hall (not hard - only 6 rods allowed) for opening day fun this year if you fancy joining in (your dad is welcome to join in too as I think there are only currently 4 def signed up)?