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Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:08 am
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Well I suppose I’d better introduce myself. I’m SK, some people know me as Stu, but I am a fanatical poor fool who has a deep passion for all things Carpy. I frequent various websites posting whatever I can about my sessions here and there and also enjoy getting involved in any Carp related debate I may stumble across. Proud to be part of the Moderatiojn team here at TTFF

A forum dedicated to the traditional angler, now there’s something that was missing, but now here we are, our very own hideaway where we can talk about Cane rods, Redmire, Gudgeon and Creels as mush as we like without being frowned upon or thought weird by today’s modern “Carbon Warriors”. But that’s where I fail, you see, I am a “Carbon Warrior”, in fact, as it stands, such is my delight at catching Carp, I use the most up to date methods I can to outwit said beautiful creatures. That’s not to say I don’t own cane rods and Mitchell reels, I use them occasionally and enjoy it immensely, but for the main part, its new tackle for most of my fishing.

The historic pools of our land are where my heart belongs, I have visited Redmire on a number of occasions and a few other, less talked about but equally famous pools. That is one of my main goals, to visit all of them, catch or not, just to say I was also there and got the picture, trod the banks and walked in the footsteps of my heroes.

So, there’s a little bit about me, an incurable obsessive who wants nothing more from life than to be left alone by some secluded pool lost in time forever!!!!

Re: SK

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:14 pm
by Mark
Forgot to welcome you mate. :oops:

Thanks for all the help with the board.

Re: SK

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:21 pm
by The Sweetcorn Kid
My pleasure, I think you have a wonderful idea here and something a lot of people have been looking forward to for a long time.


Re: SK

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:37 pm
by Snape
Yes SK, this has great potential. Pure Piscator had the makings of it too but sadly went under, although I think some people still post to the forum over there.

Re: SK

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:41 am
by DontKnowMuch
Thanks for the link Stu :hat:

You knew I'd love this place didn't you :wink:

Re: SK

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:44 am
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Sure did pal..... and what a great little community we have built so far!!! :hat: