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Hello all

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:02 pm
by Dave
Just had a look around the site and it looks really good and will, I'm sure, flourish into a very popular venue for us to while away the darker winter months. I suspect I may be here under false protences however; I do possess a couple of Walker rods ( a Mark IV carp, and an Avon), some mitchell reels and a single home made float (thanks SK!) as well as an old Eggeeco Packaseat which is languishing in the loft of the garage but I can't describe myself as a traditional angler! Come to that I'm not a modern angler either! I do enjoy the quieter pools in summer and the small unfished rivers in winter so maybe I will have some tales to tell of sessions on the rivers in the winter after pike, chub and perch. I certainly cannot report much success from this summer apart from quite a sad loss at Redmire!
Very best wishes to those in charge for a successful forum

Re: Hello all

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:13 pm
by The Sweetcorn Kid
Welcome to the forum Dave, great to have you onboard mate.

I'm sure the guys would like to hear about the "Redmire Mystery" that occures when we were at the pool earlier this year

Thanks for taking the time for the introduction Dave, although I think you can be classed more of a traditionalist than me!!


Re: Hello all

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:58 pm
by Mark
Welcome to the forum Dave.

You cannot beat quiet pools and small unfished rivers.

Re: Hello all

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:44 am
by DontKnowMuch
Welcome Dave.

It seems you have the tools for the job already. Maybe we can inspire you to give them a go on one of your quiet pools or unfished rivers?