Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

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Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Kenkroy »

I have acquired two? dalesmen rods.
One Severndale which has been re rung and a Suredale which is in need of lots of attention.
Both came with original bags but the problem is I have to many top sections
This is the Severndale and the tops all have the same ferrules.I wonder if they were built like this or one is a top which has been snapped off?Did they make a combination type rod at all.
The middle section and the lighter of the top sections both have a number 6 on then and the other section 11.
The next pics are of the Sure dale again two tops?
Image Image
The tops do all look like they match up and they certainly provide a different curve when fitted but was this the intent or have we got after market replacements.
Would love to know if you can tell me and these two will be a challenge.
If I can get anywhere near Nobbys on PP I will be well chuffed.
Any help appreciated.

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Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Nobby »

You haven't seen my Suredale close up Roy! There was vaseline on that lens.

As far as I am aware Aspindale, and they are a company in which I am very interested, only supplied rods in three sections, though they may well have offered a game rod with an extra tip as was traditional in those days.

They also often put a number by the ferrule and each section had the same number, so it rather sounds as though a previous owner of both rods has had an accident and aquired an extra tip section.

The whole cane butt Suredale pre-dates the Severndale by a generation, I think, and will have different handwriting on as a result. I believe the Severndale will have the moniker Dalesman Rod on it and be hollow-built in the butt section. I'm not certain of this and it may be that some Severndales pre-date the Dalesman moniker.

I tried only yesterday to upload a lot of Aspindale images to photobucket but somehow the My Pictures folders that appeared in the Upload Now box were can that happen? There was even one empty folde that I know was deleted from my PC a year ago!

I'll try again soon.

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Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Nobby »

Managed it at last! ... %20tackle/

I left the images of the broken rod section on there as how many of us have ever seen inside a hollow-built rod? Let alone a partly hollow-built tip section. Some other shots show the de-lamination that caused the problem in the first place, so I left them in there too, as it's not that easy to spot at first.


Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Kenkroy »

Thanks Nobby,
I must admit I am again venturing into the unknown.
When I was looking at the rods last night I did wonder if some of the sections were Hollow as they seem very inclined to twist when taking apart.
I may possibly have a bit of de-lamination but I will need a closer look.
Is it repairable if I do ?
The Severndale does have some of the original grey?white? speckled wrapping I will hopefully discover more originality as I get to work on them both and decide what the original colours were.
Are they all the same?
Thanks for uploading the pics and your help so far

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Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Nobby »

I suspect that a hollow-built rod might be more prone to twist, yes, but it is usually a sign of de-lamination, or at least the glue failing...which is much the same thing. This is why rods should never be twisted, though I don't know how you are supposed to lap in ferrules without twisting?

It is fixable, though you might end up with 6 strips of cane to re-glue!

Suredales seem to have been whipped in all sorts of guises. I have one that had green whips with red tipping BOTH sides of the whips and yellow inters.It was original when i got it, I am sure.

Another I have has yellowey gold whips and orange inters and tipping, though original it is very faded and I don't know what the colours were originally, the orange might have been red once and the yellow orange! Once again the tipping is both sides of the rod ring whips.

The Severndales seem to have originally been done in true jasper, that is to say yellow and black twist. All twist gets called jasper these days, but I am sure it once only referred to yellow/black as jasper is an old nickname for a wasp.


Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Kenkroy »

would that be the gold and black jasper that Barney rubble has?

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Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Vole »

"jasper is an old nickname for a wasp"

Well, that clears up something that had been bugging me for ages, because the gemstone of that name looks nothing like the whipping thread. Thanks!
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Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Nobby »

I think you mean Barney Gallop :chuckle:

I'm not sure...what he describes as Old Gold isn't the's brownish. I think he has another he calls pale gold....that one I don't know.

Considering yellow/black was used on so many rods, it's suprising how hard it is to find....or maybe that IS the reason!

It may be that Precision Rods used it all up...have you seen their match rods?


Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by Kenkroy »

Had another look at the rods today and discovered another top piece in the bag.
To me both look like they were made with two tops,one float and one ledger.
I would have though tit unlikely that the previous owner broke two tops and had two new sections made and all the sections look like the same age.
The Severndale has some of the original Grey/black speckled thread,whats its real name?
Bot hare in bags and are marked up as Aspindale and son not sons so does this mean they are early rods?

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Re: Aspindales how many bits make a rod?

Post by SeanM »

I've got samples of both threads as Dave (Barney) sent me a sample of the old gold/black jasper when I ordered some more gold/black. The gold/black is much paler that the old gold, but it still goes quite dark when sealed with Cellire.
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