Silverfish ? How rude !

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Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by DWW »

I have just returned from a trip my local angling emporium . The place is always frequented by a group of anglers who pontificate loudly on all aspects of angling , but more normally in a negative manner whilst enjoying the tea and coffee on offer to the select few. I happened to mention that I have been trying to catch Roach on the tidal Arun , and was greeted with the response " Only Silverfish then ?", I replied " No Roach " . The priceless reply...."Their all the same , Silverfish ! Nothing like Carp ...." At which point I lost interest . Can it really have come to the point where anything that swims other than Carp is a " Silverfish " ? What a shame , I like fishing for Roach and Chub , Dace , Rudd and Bream . But to some it seems they are all of no consequence . Equally I love fishing for Carp , lets face it I just like fishing !
Anyone else found this ?

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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Beresford »

One only has to read any magazine devoted to fishing today to get an idea of the pervasive mentality of the masses involved in the hobby. My club reports a 50% drop in members from a peak twenty years ago. Now most would see this as a bad thing, to me it's a bonus that I now get the lake to myself quite frequently which I and the carp generally prefer, if appearances are anything to go by.

Sometimes though I smile. This weekend I shared a small pool with two chaps fishing using what I'd consider to be contemporary match techniques. They set up their gear and were quite happy to leave me the down wind half of the lake for stalking carp with floating baits. One thought my rod was 'funny' (split cane MkIV) but the other corrected him saying reverently 'it's split-cane.'
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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Dave Burr »

Silverfish is a well used and appropriate collective term for our smaller fish that happen to be mainly silver sided, it should not however, be seen as a derogative term. Ask the mighty carp anglers whether they have caught a 2lb roach by intent or even a dace over 8oz. They will doubtless tell you its a waste of time but the fact is, most lack the skill necessary.

Its just the stupid divisional pomposity that exists in fishing but which proper anglers understand as the bravado of the ignorant.

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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Olly »

The word seems to have come from the match angling scene. Fed up with catching pasties of the non-edible variety they longed for roach, bream, etc to catch and 'silverfish' ponds were 'invented' - so they were not ripping the lips off carp any more! And using finer tackle, lighter lines & little hooks!!
One club I belong to has one - no carp except crucians - strange silverfish? But 100's of roach, rudd, bream & tench. Many anglers just want to catch - anything!
Carping has overtaken match fishing as the premier aspect of our sport. Remember the Division 1 Nationals?

MInd you how many on here would claim they are not interested in catching a 2lb roach?

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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Nigel Rainton »

"silver fish" is derogatory in my opinion, "pleasure fishing", "bagging up" are also horrible.
I also hate the mention of "sea bass" on menus, even our local fishmonger uses it on his chalk board. Standards are slipping, we should challenge this abuse when we encounter it.

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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Beresford »

'Session' annoys me as much as 'bagging up'.
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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Aquaerial »

ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....just ignore them, chill out and enjoy your angling folks in a state of grace.
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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Bobby Marlene »

I was recently at a club water with my 5 year old (nobody else was there). We float fished for ?, well, fish. When an older gentleman passed along he said: aaaahhh, still fishing the proper way. That´s good, boy.
I smiled. We enjoyed the silvers. Best, Bobby

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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Santiago »

I always try to call fish by their proper names! I use to find talking to some anglers quite confusing, what with the unfamiliar names they use. The conversation went "last night I caught a nice stripey." "What's that" says I. "A nice sergeant " he replies. "A what." And then with a funny look he says "a perch, a perch" "oh" says I.

Up north in York we always used proper names. It was only when I started fishing down south I became aware of 'other' names. The most disliked being slabs and dustbin lids!!!!! But I must admit to use the phrase skimmers, yet I also dislike that term as well. So I will try harder in future!!!!

And please don't mention other names for chub!!! CHUB
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Re: Silverfish ? How rude !

Post by Nobby »

I think so many tackle shops let that happen to themselves, seemingly unaware of just how intimidating these 'customers' ( do they ever actually buy anything?) can be to timid customers like youngsters.

'Silvers' is a modernish matchman's term from when they moved onto stillwaters and started seeking small carp to bulk up their catch weights...or 'pasties' as those that deride such anglers call them.

It seems every group of 'specialist anglers' has no respect for those that fish a different way.......I thought it was all supposed to be about fun....??

I feel confident in saying your interlocutors were three rod carp anglers who wear a lot of cammo even though they are fishing at 200 yards distance....?

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