NEW SEASON.....How you doing?

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NEW SEASON.....How you doing?

Post by TrentFisher »

The 2019 river season underway and I have just had my first outings.
I always look forward to June 16th but very seldom get on the river straight away and this year is no exception.
As the weather has warmed up I fish in the evening ,my preferred method being long trotting searching the river for those better stamp of roach .
Bait is normally sweetcorn.
With the basic kit assembled I arrive at the river ,no one else on the bank .The Trent is low and slow moving,this is due to automated sluices at Colwick not open to push water through.I choose to fish a swim in the last third of the club stretch where the flow is at least steady.The bank is overgrown so I make my way into my chosen spot.I know all the spots on this short stretch as a former bailiff I would cut back all the spots at the start of each season.
The new guys have missed a few this season......
My chosen swim the bank drops away with shallow water at the base so care is required to gain access but once I land all is well .
Landing net is place ,waders pulled up,and the first cast is made.
A few pieces of the yellow magic are sprinkled in to the swim as the orange tipped float makes it's first journey of the session.The line is checked,the float continues on it's way then vanishes.
The Hardy Matchmaker makes it strike and takes on a curve as the roach rushes to the surface for it's quest for freedom.
The handle of the Aerial is gripped and my prize makes it way to the outstretched net.
That knowing smile on my face is clear to see as this 12-14 ounce little beauty is admired before being released back to it's watery world.
For me that was fabulous way to open the season........what next?
I continued with a steady trickle of bait but sadly no more roach,however two bream in the 4-6 pound bracket came my way and the last fish was a plump dace .
The following evening found my in the very last swim on the stretch where the flow was nice and steady .I have fished this swim a lot and it isn't easy to gauge the true depth.I has 4-5 snaggy areas over the forty yards I trot,but that's the challenge.
The sweetcorn is trickled in ,but it must be about an hour before the float dips and a small roach glides across the surface to my wetter hand.
I always take time to study my fish (I never know when the next one will come my way!) and it is another scale perfect beauty.
Some trots later a very positive bite and my strike is met with some resistance ,as the familiar thud ,thud of a Trent bream makes a bid for freedom.
It's broad back breaks the surface and it is netted at the first attempt.....for a change.
Soon after another bream followed by small chub .
The evening has passed quickly ,as well as the fish caught,Bullfinches,Blackcaps and the local kingfisher have all visited me during my outing.
Well that's me up and running ...How are you all doing?
All the best

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Re: NEW SEASON.....How you doing?

Post by Marks7 »

Not living in an area blessed with a major river, my first and, so far, only river outing this season was beside one of the small streams which criss cross our countryside, although it is more like a green road at this time of year. There are one or two places still fishable and it was to one of these that I took my Lucky Strike and Rapidex. I have just renovated the Lucky Strike and was eager put a bend in it.
The banks of this little river are a jungle and I was nursing several cuts and stings before I could settle into my chosen swim, a deep bend with the current (what there was of it) at my feet.
I had a variety of baits but began flonat fishing dead maggots. The float was hardly moving in the very slow flow but three bites saw two chublets and a small roach come my way.
Soon after the Lucky Strike was put to a much sterner test when a chub of two or three pounds charged around the small swim only to be “piked” as it came towards the vegetation under my feet!
After re-tackling another similar size chub was putting the LS into an impressive curve but charged through the reeds and snapped my light hook link.
Third time lucky and this chub ended up in the landing net after a great fight in the tight swim. No more than about two pounds but in great condition.
Not surprisingly the swim went quiet after that so I fought my way back through the jungle to the car.
I was very pleased with the Lucky Strike which for such a light rod has hidden steel when attached to a decent fish.
I must get back to try for that pike at some stage - but not with the Lucky Strike!

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