A cold 'un today!

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A cold 'un today!

Post by Catfish.017 »

As forecast, the day was dominated by a freezing mist. I decided to stay close to home, The Junction at Fradley and having tired of legering, decided to have a float session after Perch. I picked up the Abbey General, still set up with a Bob float after its last outing. Fortunately I had a few worms in a bait box as I think I might have struggled to gather some. I took a detour to my latest favourite Bream swim to see if I could sneak one out to save what I thought may be a blank. The Bream had other ideas so I headed back to try the lower lock at the junction. This was put on hold as a rare boat was just dropping the lock, the water pouring out violently through where I hoped to fish. I went above on to the corner and cast about unsuccessfully for nearly an hour, dodging a couple of thin ice floes that we're drifting around the basin. During this time the mist thinned right out and the sun lifted the afternoon out of the chilly gloom. Sadly it didn't last long. By the time I had dropped down to the lock, the mist filtered back and the moored boats fifty yards away gradually melted into the background of ghostly trees. I went back to the corner to fish the remainder of the day. I fed a few chopped worms along in the channel and after a while had a cast over them. Suddenly the canal started pulling with some urgency. Simultaneously, the float gave a sharp bob and drew away slowly but firmly. The strike met with moderate but brief resistance and the worm, a good sized one, came back unmarked. Shortly after a boat came through and churned it up a bit. I felt I had missed my chance but as the light faded the float was on the move again. A smaller worm this time and I gave it a second or two longer, this time making firm contact. The fish chugged about determinedly and I thought it may be a Zander but I spotted the stripes as it surfaced and slid into the old, original ash hoop landing net that hasn't been out for several years. A good Perch looks so right lying in one of these nets (think First Angling Times Year Book). I really have to sort out my camera situation! Guessed at a pound and three quarters and returned, I couldn't resist another cast. The float began to dissolve into its background but remained buoyant. No matter, the day was more than complete!

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Re: A cold 'un today!

Post by Bobthefloat »

Well done on the perch :fishing1: nice write up, I'm off looking for a Sargent myself tomorrow!

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Re: A cold 'un today!

Post by Grumpy »

Nice to get a Perch on a tough day.Out after them next week,no rain forecast so most of the colour should have dropped out.

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Re: A cold 'un today!

Post by Ian.R.McDonald »

I think so many of us grew up catching small Perch so a decent one looks HUGE. Well done! And another gold star for canals when we are often surprised by whats going to take the bait next

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Re: A cold 'un today!

Post by Liphook »

A good account and well deserved bristling perch Catfish :Thumb:

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Re: A cold 'un today!

Post by Catfish.017 »

Thank you all for your replies and encouragement, not that I need encouraging, I just have to be out there regardless!

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