Edgar Sealey rod care leaflet

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Edgar Sealey rod care leaflet

Post by Duckett »

This is a bit of an oddity, but I recently purchased a denim blue Sealey rod bag for an Octofloat 2 that came without a bag. On the reverse of the flap there was a small plastic folder sewed on to the reverse of the Sealey label and, to my complete amazement, inside it was the original tiny rod care leaflet. Photos below in case anyone is interested!


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Re: Edgar Sealey rod care leaflet

Post by EricW »

An interesting find indeed! These little surprises are a real bonus and are the details most easily lost. Thanks for showing it to us.đź‘Ť
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Re: Edgar Sealey rod care leaflet

Post by Wallys-Cast »

A nice find Phil. I have a couple of Hardy care labels and an Allcocks owners card which were attached to rod bags. I wonder if all rod makers used a similar idea.


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Re: Edgar Sealey rod care leaflet

Post by Duckett »

Thanks Wal and Eric. I have to admit that discovering it brought a huge smile to my face. For such a tiny and fragile item to survive in a fishing rod bag is remarkable! I particularly like the stern injunction not to send in a rod at the beginning of the next season!

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Re: Edgar Sealey rod care leaflet

Post by Argyll Trout Fisher »

This is great to see , thanks. I have a few Edgar Sealey’s and they are all in great condition ( a couple of 3 piece 10 ft fly rods- Glane and a double handed light salmon rod. Also a mint Black Arrow 8.5 ft trout rod) I think these rods ooze well made, sensible affordable quality throughout, including their tough well designed bags. Your leaflet reflects a time when tackle was built to last and to be respected as such. I still try to fish my Sealey rods occasionally and to continue the good care and maintenance that the original owner’s clearly followed. Interestingly I have a lovely 8.5 ft fly rod built on a Fibatube blank that came in an EARC bag. My research suggests this was indeed the maker although no marking is on the rod. I then noticed that the butt end stopper has the Sealey Twin Fish logo. It may have been added to replace a missing stopper but the reel seat matches other ES ones and also appears original to the rod. Anyway the screw up reel seat has the washer attached to the metal reel foot cover but has come apart making the reel seat difficult to release after a fishing session. Anyway I will now follow the leaflet instructions regarding a little WD 40 to address the issue. Does anyone know if there was a connection between E.S. and E.A.R.C. ?
Duncan F. Mac

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