Sidecasting Reels

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Sidecasting Reels

Post by JW1 »

For a while now I have been looking at Malloch sidecasting reels, more out of novelty interest than as a practical working reel. At the moment prices do seem reasonable and appear to be falling a bit, but whilst perusing I cam across this;
It was in a bit of a state (but it was only a tenner) so a complete ground up resto would be on the cards but when I took it apart it seemed the wrong thing to do, as a lot of it would be thrown away.
As I progressed with the sympathetic restoration it appeared that this may have been a home made cobbling together of parts from different reels but undetured I pressed on.
I think it looks good and everything works fine although the L bracket does not match the wooden backplate as it is too long and the spindle is in the wrong place, so I think this part may be home made.
I cant wait to load it up with line and actually try it out, my original thought was for pike fishing but I don't think it would be up to it.
As I said probably a mongrel but anyone have a clue about its origins


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Old Man River
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Re: Sidecasting Reels

Post by Old Man River »

You have restored the reel beautifully !
Myself , I would be happy to have it as a very unusual display piece.
As you say it is probably a home made piece and as such in my opinion more desirable than any number of vintage production line models .

Well done indeed !

Hurrumph....... whatever happened to Handlines ?

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Ouse Wanderer
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Re: Sidecasting Reels

Post by Ouse Wanderer »

What a lovely restoration! You must give it at least one trip to the bankside before retiring it to a display shelf, surely? It looks as if it could be quite suited to a spot of light ledgering on a smallish river, the sort of job I use my 308 for. Just the job for dropping a bait into a tight gap on the opposite bank. Well done, good job Sir.

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Re: Sidecasting Reels

Post by RBTraditional »

That is a marvellous restoration… :Hat:
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Re: Sidecasting Reels

Post by Dave Burr »

A splendid restoration, well done.

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Re: Sidecasting Reels

Post by JW1 »

Thanks for the kind words and I will be trying it out soon, however the real problem is that whilst awaiting delivery I lashed out another tenner on these!



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Re: Sidecasting Reels

Post by Brian »

Lovely job reel looks great. I use an alvey off the beach they are great winches. Line twist can be a problem but if you use a swivel with the eye wire diameter lower than your mainline diameter you will eliminate most of the line twist.

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