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Brown Trout
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Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:57 am
Location: The Mole Fortress, near the South Coast

Re: ambidex

Post by Moley »

As St Nobby says the Plastic Tear Drop anti-reverse is the most common and very likely dates your reel as a later model. If I said 1955/1956 as a date I do not think there will be too many to gainsay this supposition?

It is the early attempts at making an efficient Anti-Reverse by Ted Young that excite collectors...they all worked but to put it politely were eccentric to say the least. I know of at least three versions that I have seen, with a rumoured fourth version!

Just as an aside, sometimes you will find a date engraved on the inside of an Ambidex to put the dating of reels beyond doubt. This was done by a close mate of mine, a Stalwart of the Tea Club, now sadly gone to the Great Reel Maker in the Sky. He told me he did this on the QT as a favour to future admirers of his handiwork!

I tell you some of the old B%^^*rs in my coterie of friends, both living and dead,can only be described, kindly, as UNIQUE!!!

Fishing does that to you sometimes!

Me I stick to Tea, Cake, and Roach, with a rudimentary knowledge of Ambidexes.....especially compared to some!

I'm always glad to help if I can.

Mole Power!!! :sun:
Say aye tae'a pie!

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