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Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:02 pm
by Snape
Simply gorgeous.

Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 11:17 pm
by CaneAndAble
Dear colin

I am delighted you are pleased with it , it does posses a very special action which is unusual
For a whole cane rod , it's nature of build should suggest it would be lumpy and over bearing
In the hand but in reality it's super light with the greatest balance and back bone power which
Has to be waggled to appreciate its fine qualities .
Thank you for your kind words I do take great pleasure in hearing how pleased my small
But very loyal client base are when they receive my rods .
And the truth is as Colin knows the images that are posted are without the final finishing coats which really has made a incredible difference .
Perhaps if mr bumble has time you might post some how it looks now


Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:08 am
by Nobby
What an unusual rod! Look at the distance between nodes on that butt section......that was one very special piece of female tonkin that slipped past the Hardy man up-river.

And to see the enamel completely removed is unusual too, was it like that originally, or was it part of the recent restoration, do you think?

If it is so light in the hand, when the cane is clearly not thin in diameter, I wonder if it has been worked internally like the old London roach poles? The technology existed, the skill was out there, though more associated with firms like Sowerbutts, but there's nothing to stop a bespoke maker applying the technology to a rod to make something very special indeed.

Indeed, we know Ogden Smith weren't averse to buying-in cane for certain rods. Might they not have bought from Sowerbutts too....?

So Bumble. When does your National Fishing Museum open then?

Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:55 am
by Wallys-Cast
Beautiful looking rod for your collection Colin, and Lee well done on a very fine restoration. :Hat:


Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:53 am
by PershoreHarrier
If it fishes as well as it looks that really is going to be something very special indeed.

Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:13 pm
by Bumble
Nobby the National Fishing Museum has always been open to any member who wishes to come around for a quick cheeky Vimto.
As for your question on the enamel knowing Lee I would suggest its natural but cannot be sure.
I was very nervous about posting the rod last night so quickly after the Coxan as I was worried it gave the wrong impression that I was trying to impress but friends convinced me other wise.
The cost of both was a third of the rod that sold last night on fleebay that you and I discussed by mail which I have to say I would not have touched with a barge pole for the reasons you and I agree on.
I am very naturally tight where money is concerned and spend hours on research and my data base of anything good ever sold. Mean while Mrs B watches every episode of escape to the country that was ever made plus the repeats x 2.
The one rod I have never posted is possible the finest cane float ever produced which again I bought privately from a very trusted friend and eminent member of this forum.
My motto is very simple by from a trusted source and avoid fleebay once you get over the back problem we will go Tench fishing and you can try out the Craftversa

Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:17 pm
by Reedling
Cor, what an absolute stunner, that is going to give you much enjoyment for sure.

Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:55 pm
by CaneAndAble
Hi Nobby
The rod is completely as it was other than stripping the age old varnish
With any of my work consideration has to be given to the way it was fabricated and for that
Very reason nothing was tampered with , the sections were not turned , no heat applied to remove
Sets etc .my only turmoil was to apply what I myself class as finishing coats
The pictures posted and those on eBay were ground coats which don't get me wrong
Were nice but not quite good enough for my liking and if you ask Colin nicely he may post some pics
If it now that it has it's final finishing coats on , I knew that it would take the final coats
Without compromising its weight and integrity as it is just such a light rod with the crispest of actions I have seen for a very long time


Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:05 pm
by CWK
That rod is truely an awesome work of art . Do you know when It was produced by Ogden Smith Bumble and whether it was made to order or was part of their catalogue ?.

Re: Roach rod.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:22 pm
by Paul F
Hi Bumble,
I am glad you posted the rod, it is a reason most of us are members of the forum, we love to see other members tackle :Chuckle:
It is one of the best restoration jobs I have seen, I would love to waggle it too
Enjoy :Thumb: