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Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:33 pm
by Nigel Rainton

Thanks for posting the link, the auction moves on very quickly. Mitchell reels seem to average about £10 each. I daren't watch anymore.

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:34 pm
by Olly
Thought I had bought a pig in a poke from ebay -- seems one sold today for £80!

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:38 pm
by The VFC
I know how you feel! Floats have officially "arrived" as collectables and I can now confirm that Hardy reel cases are worth more than their wretched contents! How I wish I'd bought loads when they could be had for £75 odd a few years ago....

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:41 pm
by The VFC
SofaSurfer wrote:Julian,

Thanks for posting the link, the auction moves on very quickly. Mitchell reels seem to average about £10 each. I daren't watch anymore.
I think you may be averaging good ones and bad ones there!

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:49 pm
by Nigel Rainton

Yes, I saw a few job lots auctioned at about £10 per reel. Too fast to follow accurately, I'll check out the results on their site at the end. Do you know if the internet auction is real time or is it like eBay where you bid a maximum amount and let the computer do the bidding ?

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:57 pm
by Snape
SofaSurfer wrote:VFC,

Yes, I saw a few job lots auctioned at about £10 per reel. Too fast to follow accurately, I'll check out the results on their site at the end. Do you know if the internet auction is real time or is it like eBay where you bid a maximum amount and let the computer do the bidding ?
It is definitely a live auction and so you make a one bid at a time but it's so fast it is scary.

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:00 pm
by Nigel Rainton
I don't think my keyboard skills are good enough, I'd probably enter the wrong amount. I'd also need about an i7 processor in my laptop !

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:07 pm
by The VFC
SofaSurfer wrote:VFC,

Yes, I saw a few job lots auctioned at about £10 per reel. Too fast to follow accurately, I'll check out the results on their site at the end. Do you know if the internet auction is real time or is it like eBay where you bid a maximum amount and let the computer do the bidding ?
No its real time: effectively there is a man at the end of the line who calls out your bids as placed.

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:00 pm
by Julian
SofaSurfer wrote:I don't think my keyboard skills are good enough, I'd probably enter the wrong amount. I'd also need about an i7 processor in my laptop !
I think you are wrong on all counts there SofaSurfer

When you bid on line in a Mullocks auction you don't bid an amount - you just press the 'bid' button - one click of your mouse.
You see what the previous bid was and if you want to bid more you click on the bid button - the amount will be a bit more than the previous bid - ie if previous bid was £ 50 then if you bid it will be probably be £55, if previous bid was £140 and you bid it will be £150 - in other words it increases proportionately to the current bid.

With regard to your PC processor and internet connection speed - it seems to make no difference - its all really fast.
When you register to bid and go into the 'live bid' mode after a few seconds a box pops up.
I don't understand the technicalities but at that point it seems you are then connected to their super-speed server, because until very recently, here in Milton Keynes we only had what I would call 'steam powered' interenet speed - a maximum of 2mbps, regardless of which provider and package you chose. This meant that at the weekend you would be lucky to get more than half a mb per second.
When I successfully bid for MKIV Avon it was, as usual for Mullocks auctions, a Saturday afternoon - and once I was in the live bid mode everything was instant - really fast, regardless of the very slow internet speed doing anything else at the time.

( Just in the last few weeks we have moved into the modern age here as 'BT Infinity' has arrived and I now subscribed to their fibre optic fastest package, and now have 64 mbps internet speed :Cool: )

Re: Walker Avon at Mullocks

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:11 pm
by Nigel Rainton
Julian, thanks for that. Just like a real auction, very addictive.

You are lucky, in rural Surrey we have stone age datacomms. I just tested the link, it is working at 318 Kbps ! The software told me I may have a problem. I do, it's called BT !