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Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:43 pm
by Nigel Rainton

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:59 pm
by Beresford
Oh crikey, now this is interesting.

Tip and butt rings and ferrules are good for Sharpes of Aberdeen. Do the dots on the ferrules line up with each other? Some things are unusual:

Handle shape, whippings (colour and quality of finish) and the butt cap style is unlike any other Sharpes of Aberdeen rod I've ever seen. I'm going to stick my neck out and say they are genuine Aberdeen rods (given that you bought them before Weavers appeared) and that they have been rebuilt. If I could see the rods in my hand I think I could tell for sure.

Alternatively they may be more recent blanks but somebody has had a supply of original possibly reclaimed Sharpes fittings which I think is less likely.

If rebuilt I think the following has been done:

Corks rubbed down and handle reshaped where it joins the cane. New reel bands. New butt cap (why the original one has gone I don't know). Intermediate rings replaced with low-bells. All whippings replaced.

If I'm correct then I believe these rods were built between 1964(ish) and 1970. About 400 were made. Spec. changes from rod to rod. For example, some don't have agate lined butt and tip rings.

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:07 pm
by Huttojon
Re. the un-numbered rods,I have a rod that is similar.Mine was purchased from Sportsmail ,Cardiff during the mid.80's.The rod was sold as being finished by Mr Smith of Sportsmail using impregnated Sharpes cane ,the probable difference is in the test curve,mine is more of a stepped-up rating and has an unlined tip ring,certainly the handle has the appearance of having been made from pre-formed pieces and exactly matches the handles in the photographs,the transfer is identical,including the "Scottie" reference but does not mention "Sharpes" by name.I wonder what else is out there?

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:50 pm
by Nigel Rainton

The 'dot' on the male ferrule does not line up with the female 'dot' but the numbering is the same on both rod sections ! The ferrules are very tight, there is about 3/8" gap when the rod is assembled. The cane on both rods is in excellent condition, no bruises or scratches are visible under the varnish. The very thin coat of varnish on the cane looks original (it is very slightly scuffed in places) but the whippings don't have the same professional finish. The thread is not very neatly laid down and the varnish on the whippings looks thicker and more recent. It has always puzzled me that the whippings and eyes do not seem to do the blank justice. I think you are correct, two old rods that have been professionally restored by the same person.

I had thought of selling these rods but now I know a bit more of their history, I think I will keep them. The beauty of these rods (matched with Mitchell 300s) when resting on the grass alongside a carp is inspiring. Discussing their possible origins on this forum encouraged me to get out in the autumn sunshine this morning. I found a couple of carp feeding in the margins even though the ice had only just thawed out ! I might pop out early tomorrow morning with a 'Scottie' and some bread in my pocket.

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:57 pm
by Beresford
Sharpes impregnated rods shouldn't be varnished, they don't need it. You can polish them to a nice satin lustre with a soft cloth. Only the whippings are varnished on the originals and a few inches above the handle to protect the decals. I'd say that's a sure sign they've been restored. That the dots don't line up convinces me of this. The tip has been turned.

Yes, get out an enjoy them, I'd keep them if I were you. Why were you thinking of selling them?

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:31 am
by Nigel Rainton

I haven't used the rods for many years, I prefer my MkIVs. I have recently caught the dreaded Ebay fever (having bought a few BB books from there) and was looking around for stuff to sell. I sold a lot of junk from around the house and garage, its very contagious ! At the moment I have sold more stuff than I have bought.

I am happy to say that your information has changed my mind, I am going to keep the rods and make more use of them. I retired last Wednesday and I have much more time for fishing. The fly tying bench has been set up and I am going to make some quill floats during the winter months. I have a carp lake only two fields away ( I can nearly see it from the bedroom window ) with fish to 20lbs + so they will get a lot of use. Thanks very much for your help.

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:18 pm
by Beresford
You are very welcome, enjoy your retirement, I wish I was joining you. With a carp lake that close and these two lovely rods to use I'd be certain that I wouldn't sell them. I actually prefer my Sharpes Carp to the MkIV carps rods I have when I'm wandering around, looking for fish I just prefer the feel and taper of the rod. My true MkIV tend to get used when I'm fishing at busier times and know that I'm likely to be restricted to one swim. However, I like to vary my tackle so I never just use one rod for everything, I guess that's the beauty of cane rods, they are all different characters.

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:41 am
by Churchill
I hope the OP doesn't mind me resurrecting this thread, but the question is related.

This rod is here for consignment and, frankly, it's not one I know.
9'-3" 2/2 - named (apparently) "The J.S.Sharpe"; numbers 29 and 94 on the butt; one tip top re-whipped (replaced?)

Any help greatly appreciated






Thanks I A

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:31 pm
by Nigel Rainton
No problem adding your post here. With a spare top it would be a game rod, possibly salmon or sea trout spinning rod. However, it looks as if one of the tips sections comes from a different rod, the male ferrule is different and the cane is a different colour.

From this link . . ... system.pdf

it appears that the rod was made in 1960. Beresford will probably be along in a minute to reveal all :-)

Re: Dating J.S Sharpe Scottie Rods

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:56 pm
by Beresford
It is indeed a Salmon spinning rod and Sofa Surfer is correct, one of the tops is from a different rod. I'm not aware of Sharps selling rods with two tips although I suppose if asked they probably would have obliged. The tip of the non-matching example has clearly been rewhipped. The numbers will tell you the build date but you must excuse me, it's been a very long day with work and I can't now remember which way around to read the numbers. It may be the 29th rod of April 1969. I'm not sure how many they built but I suspect it runs well into the hundreds. You see them around from time to time and usually in very good condition.