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Re: How to catch carp on a natural rich water?

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:31 am
by Sandgroper
If no one is trying it, it is always worth fishing with a bread bait while people are actually feeding the ducks. The carp are used to the bank side activity and that when it occurs, there is food to be had. Even if there is no one else there, go to where people throw in bread, feed the ducks yourself and fish your bait as deeply as possible to avoid hooking the ducks. The carp will soon learn, but you may well pick up a few before they do so. Carp are no smarter than gold fish in your garden pond and they soon respond to any activity that results in food being delivered to them. It doesn't always work, but anything is worth a try. In the very early days of Redmire huge carp could be seen taking bread that was being fed to the ducks.

Re: How to catch carp on a natural rich water?

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:40 am
by Santiago
When I use to fish bread deep on the float, I would squeeze the odd bit of bread and then throw it in so it would sink quickly to avoid being eaten by ducks, so the carp would be use to feeding on bread on the bottom!