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Re: Trace wire

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:46 pm
by Hovis
Liphook wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:09 pm Is there ever a need to fish lighter than is safe for any fish? Not in my book. I certainly don't see the need with pike and I've done a bit albeit not on 'pressurised' waters. Leads me back to a previous conversations regarding IGFA line classes and their inherent stupidity
Absolutely not. Fish welfare should be top of everybody's list.

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:00 pm
by Olly
With advent of that modern method - 'hair rig' - in theory you could use heavier hook links! Not every thing needs to be impaled on the hook anymore.

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:11 pm
by Mr B
I have just got this through the post today..
Looks good and from Drennan.
Thought I needed an upgrade after reading the posts above.
Mr B

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:46 pm
by SooperClooper
Terry Eustace 30lb Crocodile Cable when deadbaiting, AFW 30lb titanium for lures, 50lb AFW for heavy lures.

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:39 am
by Ian.R.McDonald
I am confident that everyone on this forum has the health of the fish as their top priority.

I remember catching the same low double 3 ( maybe 4) times over a six week period from a Kent pit last century. Every fish is precious and there are often less than we think.

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:52 pm
by OldRod
Tizer wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:18 pm I always go on the heavy side for pike fishing, you can not risk leaving hooks in a pike's mouth, I used to use Drennan 7 strand 28lb and now I use 45lb wire and 20lb line, I don't like braid for main lines, I think it is bad for fish and wildlife,just my opinion
Hello Tizer. I am trying out pike fishing properly of the first time this winter, and I would be interested to know more about your view on braid and wildlife.
No agenda here, other than to learn.

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:55 pm
by Tizer
Hello i hate braid for main line, too many so called anglers leave line laying around in their swim which is bad enough for the wildlife,braid is worse,it lays there just waiting to coil itself round a small leg/foot, i have seen pike with no lips and I put it down to braid see sawing the lip off,lots of pigeons and seagulls have some sort of braid round their feet and sometimes you can see where it has slowly tightened up over time and there is just a stump left,I have seen blackbirds and magpies hanging from trees with braid round their feet, last year I got someone to resue a tuffty that had 100yds of braid and a marker float round its foot, just last week I was on a lake and the bailiff came round the island in a boat, I had the right hump at first, as it turned out there was a marker float in a tree on the island and 100yds of braid floating down the lake, I told him ,getting that death trap off the water is a damm site more important than my fishing,I have been pike fishing for more thaan 50 years, I was a bad boy and used live baits, nice roach and chub , it never did sit right with me and in the end I would buy 10 small trout from a farm and perhaps use 2 and then I would let the other 8 go. For the last 20/25 years I just use deadbaits, as far as I am concerned livebaits catch you more pike but a hell of a lot of them will be small......I gave up using trebles about 2/3 years ago and now use a single barbless circle for all my piking and it is the best thing I have ever done, had a small pike this morning on a hair rigged mack head it was only about 4lb, the cicle was in the sissors and I just lifted the pike out with one hand and took the hook out with my other hand , how good and more importantly how QUICK is that, no glove/forceps/net etc.....I do of course always have that stuff with me

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:07 pm
by Grumpy
I too have found lengths of the stuff,and mono,dumped around various waters.Earlier this year I had to free a Gosling of some braid caught round its leg.Easy to do as it was scoffing my lunch at the time.
Some anglers are so irresponsible,makes my blood boil.The only time I use braid is when dropshotting for Perch,a length of fluorocarbon is used between braid and lure.No problems there.
I have never used braid as a mainline for Pike so cannot comment on its pros and cons.I have heard it can cause quite severe damage if a fish rolls in it.I like the cushioning effect of mono,especially when a Pike headshakes under the rod tip.Exciting times!

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:41 am
by OldRod
Tizer wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:55 pm Hello i hate braid for main line, too many so called anglers leave line laying around in their swim which is bad enough for the wildlife,braid is worse,it lays there just waiting to coil itself round a small leg/foot, i have seen pike with no lips and I put it down to braid see sawing the lip off,lots of pigeons and seagulls have some sort of braid round their feet and sometimes you can see where it has slowly tightened up over time and there is just a stump left,I have seen blackbirds and magpies hanging from trees with braid round their feet, last year I got someone to resue a tuffty that had 100yds of braid and a marker float round its foot, just last week I was on a lake and the bailiff came round the island in a boat, I had the right hump at first, as it turned out there was a marker float in a tree on the island and 100yds of braid floating down the lake, I told him ,getting that death trap off the water is a damm site more important than my fishing,I have been pike fishing for more thaan 50 years, I was a bad boy and used live baits, nice roach and chub , it never did sit right with me and in the end I would buy 10 small trout from a farm and perhaps use 2 and then I would let the other 8 go. For the last 20/25 years I just use deadbaits, as far as I am concerned livebaits catch you more pike but a hell of a lot of them will be small......I gave up using trebles about 2/3 years ago and now use a single barbless circle for all my piking and it is the best thing I have ever done, had a small pike this morning on a hair rigged mack head it was only about 4lb, the cicle was in the sissors and I just lifted the pike out with one hand and took the hook out with my other hand , how good and more importantly how QUICK is that, no glove/forceps/net etc.....I do of course always have that stuff with me
Thanks for that info Tizer.
I could not agree more with you on line being left around. I hate that with a passion. What do these idiots (like you, I will not sully the word by calling them "anglers") use for a brain?
However because no responsible angler would leave line on the bank, then in that case, braid or mono, it doesn't matter?
As a newbie to pike angling claiming little expertise or experience, you have given me a lot of food for thought, in particular your rejection of trebles.
I will ponder!

Best wishes to all for a happy and HEALTHY New Year

Re: Trace wire

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:37 am
by JPC
There are two main reasons for using very strong tackle for pike these days. The first is so you can get the pike in the landing fairly quickly so it does not get exhausted during a long fight. I will unhook the fish quickly, if it looks under twenty pounds I will neither weigh it nor photograph it and get it back in the water as quickly as possible and wait until it pulls strongly before releasing it. The other reason is if your end tackle gets snagged up when retrieving it, if your line, uptrace and hook trace is strong enough you can, by wrapping your line several times around a spare bankstick firmly pull until one or two prongs of your treble (or your single hook) open up and thus release your end tackle and possibly your bait therefore a pike cannot come along and pick up a broken off trace and bait.
These days I use 65lb braid or 23 lb mono (club and syndicate rules) 45 lb uptrace and 40 AFW trace wire, my hooks are size four Owner ST41’s, these are very strong but will open up with the line and trace used.
Pike despite their fearsome appearance are very fragile and many die each winter through poor handling and totally (weak) inadequate tackle.