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Mr Crabtree's book of Fishing for Boys 1968

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:52 pm
by Scott Thompson
I was in my attic today looking for something when i came across this


My copy is very tatty and well read, i remember being given it by a neighbour when i was about 10,(it would have been about 5yrs old then) i must have read it 100's of times but totaly forgot i had it.

Flicking through it today i found an excellent article by Reg Righyni on making a Grayling float complete with step be step pictures and a great article on 4lb Perch from Oulton Broad plus many others.

Re: Mr Crabtree's book of Fishing for Boys 1968

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:41 am
by MGs
I had that as a Christmas present when it came out. Got lost somewhere in my many house moves. I purchased another copy a year or so ago. Childhood memories :D