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Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:43 am
by Nobby
I've just been told by one of our old members that Chapmans are to close at the end of the year. Brian is retiring and John may continue with a little work from either home or a smaller unit somewhere else.

There's just been the two brothers there for many years now, but back in the Sixties they had 15 employees and sold rods all over the world. Mostly fly rods these days with a good few going to America, but they both have a vast knowledge of coarse rods and have been responsible for saving hundreds and hundreds of rods with broken tip sections...a good few of which were mine!

It always struck me how taught their new tip sections felt against old cane....both the quality of work, modern glues and being new I suppose? The cane strips looked like they'd been cut with a'll never see a glue line on a Chapman's rod!

But it wasn't just the quality of their work...both brothers were generous with their time and advice too and nothing was too much trouble for them.

I shall always remember visiting them to pick up a new tip section and mentioning that I had to get the ferrule counter off the old one yet....

I'd brought the tip for John to measure for posterity anyway and before you could say "Toot Sweet, Roderney", John had the counter in a flame, a pair of drilled blocks of tropical hardwood in a vice and had popped the counter off and had it in my was still hot! He took it back, heated the cane of the new section and crushed it in those two blocks of wood, mixed a bit of glue and had the counter on the new tip section almost as quick, then turned up this huge gas ring and wafted the tip high above the ring of fire. A few tweaks and the cane section...a full five and a half feet of it....was as straight as a spear!

A priceless memory.

A long and happy retirement to you both fellers and much joy and contentment in whatever you do next :Hat:

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:52 am
by Paul D
Blimey, thanks for that Nobby, I always assumed they were a large company. Them closing is a bit of a game changer for us cane wigglers :shocked:

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:56 am
by LuckyLuca
Sad news, an institution lost!

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:13 am
by Mushy
That is sad news indeed Nobby, but inevitable I guess, now must get an order in for a new 500 tip section !!

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:28 am
by Lea Dweller
I didn't know that Nobby, I will nip up to the workshop this week and have a chat, it will be sad to see them go!

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:51 am
by AshbyCut
The quality of their product is matched only by the quality of their service.

I will wish them a long and happy retirement ... but they will leave a void that can't be filled.

Gentlemen, I salute you. :Hat:

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:54 am
by Dave Burr
I bet I snap a Chapman on January 1st.

Always sad to see a firm like this close down, I wish them well.

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:36 am
by Scott
Very sad. I was hoping one day to buy a new fly rod from them when I had the money, I'd better get saving...

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:00 am
by Beresford
I wish them both a well earned retirement. I have a new built Chapman rod, an 11' Carp rod and it is very steely and powerful. Over the last few months I've considered having a Quinette, 10" carp rod blank made by them – I doubt that will now happen. It is a bit of a gamer changer but there are a number of folks who can restore and build new tips for rods and I'm sure their businesses will get a bit of a boost as a result of Chapmans shutting up shop.

So in recent months we have Chris Lythe closing the order book and now Chapmans. We all getting a little bit older…

Re: Chapmans to close down

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:52 pm
by Paul D
Beresford wrote: So in recent months we have Chris Lythe closing the order book and now Chapmans. We all getting a little bit older…
How very true, best not to dwell on it I think.