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Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:00 am
by Vole
Apparently the sour grapes brigade have been at work...
May I confirm that Fortune ( in the guise of Ashby Cut's drawing the winning lot) has decided that, worthy or not, the winner of the Barder Merlin would be me, that the rod is a real entity, that I have met up with Bumble and collected it, and that as soon as my weekend duties are done, I intend to go fishing with it and shall report back, with photos.

And that I did, indeed, donate via the facebook page.

May I also thank Lee "ljm" for helping Bumble join the dots and identify me by my user-name! I would have got the message via Facebook, eventually; in fact, I had received it; I'd just been too stunned to respond quickly.

Huge thanks to Colin, for putting this rod up as a prize and thereby getting a lot of us to donate to this tragic cause, and for selecting to do it via the good offices of the British Red Cross, which inspired confidence that our dosh would reach its intended target; to everyone else who donated, helped or otherwise participated; and to Lady Luck. Despite my scientific/rational background, I'm now stressing out wondering how to keep in her good books!

Above all, heartfelt best wishes to all those hurt, frightened, bereaved and displaced by that ghastly fire - health, hope and healing to all. And proper, safe homes!

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:00 am
by RBTraditional
Congratulations Vole, I hope you enjoy using the rod and glad it has gone to someone who will indeed treasure it. As for the sour grapes brigade....let them get on with it and drown in their own miserable green tinged spew!

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:09 am
by Jeremy Croxall
Sorry to hear there have been sour grapes but congratulations on winning such a fine rod and wish you all the very best in your endeavours with it :Thumb:

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:29 am
by Vole
Thanks, Chaps, but it's Colin that has been getting stick - from moaners who didn't even donate and so enter the raffle!
Trolls should be put in their place - under a bridge, north of the arctic circle, waiting for a dimmer-than-average goat that never comes.
In an everlasting February.
Preferably with haemorrhoids.

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:33 am
by Santiago
Great to hear that Lady Luck has smiled on you! I don't understand why anyone would have sour grapes over this, ney matter, enjoy the rod and use it lots and post lots of lovely photos of it next to lots of fish.

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:44 am
by Black Prince
Well done no sour grapes from me enjoy your prize you won it I suppose if you caught a 73lb carp you would be accused of all sorts as well :clap: mike

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:17 am
by Crucian
I sincerely wish you much pleasure in it's use Vole.
Well done to both yourself and Colin :Hat:

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:24 am
by JAA
Do enjoy the rod Vole! :Thumb:

Thanks to Bumble for organising the raffle, very decent of thee. :Hat:

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:26 am
by Luga00
Well done, Vole! and probably more importantly, Colin!

Re: Bumble's Red Cross/Grenfell Tower raffle rod

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:43 am
by AshbyCut
I was honoured to be invited to make the draw for the Barder rod (even though it precluded me from being a participant in the raffle !!!), the draw being made at the TFF Cane and Pin Match.

Though the name was unknown to us when I drew it out of the hat ... I'm delighted to know it's going to reside in such good company from now on.

Well done to Bumble for making such a magnanimous gesture ... and for the total raised !!!