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Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:59 pm
by Sevilla315
I have been intrigued about the greenheart rods of Alexander Grant whose spey/switch cast distance record stood for decades until broken in 2005 by casters using modern carbon rods and distance plastic lines.
I recently decided to put a bid in for a short 12' Playfair Vibration rod, the company who bought the rights from Grant and sold them under their name.
It's not the same rod that he used, however I'm interested since I fish with contemporary bamboo spey rods, with spliced joints like the rods Grant made.
I have spoken to Paul Cook, who has said he's willing to undertake the restoration work for me.
Though I intend to fish it, not put it on a wall or keep it for interest's or history's sake.

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 3:31 pm
by Liphook
Nice to see someone caring for the game rods of yesteryear :Hat: So many very fishable salmon fly rods have been adapted, many butchered, into carp type rods. I don't own any greenheart Spey rods but I do cherish a Sharpes spliced joint split cane blank that I rebuilt into a short 'switch' style double hander. It always raises a few eyebrows with other anglers but for a few hours of grilse fishing in the right conditions it's a unrushed delight to fish. It casts admirably with a modern Barrio floating switch line and poly tips and is a joy to land fish with.

Grant's record was a truly incredible feat!

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 4:24 pm
by Barbelseeker
Look forward to the restoration. I think that Greenheart has to be allowed to rest outside to allow some natural moisture back into the wood, or it gets brittle. May be mistaken.

See yours is serial number 4977, I will have to check out mine

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 4:37 pm
by Sevilla315
Bamboo spey rods have taken a bit of a revival of late, and as such, many Americans are buying up Sharpes spliced spey rods for use in their salmon and steelhead fishing. Although the long 15' and 16' rods are some beasts and the modern fisherman would struggle to use one of these all day, the 12' and 13' rods are entirely useable and their prices are now steadily rising.
Though my contemporary bamboo speys are quite different to the speys of 7 decades ago or more, they still raise an eyebrow or two, and casting them for 3 days is quite a workout. This June I went to the Wye for a day on a very good salmon beat at Bigswear and managed a silver bar from that iconic river, made ever so more satisfying to have landed it on cane and a classic styled reel.
My aim is to achieve a similar feat with this greenheart and hopefully a Malloch reel which was probably used on rods like these.
It seems the older I get the more "traditional" I get, and more fuddy-duddy! :Hahaha:

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 4:42 pm
by Sevilla315
Barbelseeker wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 4:24 pm Look forward to the restoration. I think that Greenheart has to be allowed to rest outside to allow some natural moisture back into the wood, or it gets brittle. May be mistaken.

See yours is serial number 4977, I will have to check out mine
Yes I've been doing a bit of reading on this subject, apparently the ghillies used to say they should be left out in the hedges!
I'm not sure I'll go that far as it'll probably get pinched, but I may store it in the bathroom, which will allow the moisture from showers to get into the wood.
I found a post on another forum by the son of Jamie Maxtone Graham, a well known classic tackle enthusiast, had access to records of allthe Playfair Grant rods by serial number. I pinged him, and hopefully he'll return with some interesting information of the original owner of this rod. How exciting!

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:27 pm
by Deaf Cat
Interesting piece here: ... nt.720661/
explains why they are called “vibration”

Get your tuning forks out!

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:47 pm
by Liphook
Thank you Deaf Cat :Thumb: The link to salmon junkies is a great read :Hat:

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:56 pm
by Sevilla315
Yes the speycaster1 in that article is Gordon Macleod, Spey Ghillie and (ex?) Pro Team of Scott Mackenzie Tackle, and Alexander Grant authority.
On that other forum, Spey Pages, he mentions a book he is working on, on Alexander Grant. I look forward to the completion of that, it should be an interesting read!

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:30 pm
by Sevilla315
I have started on some work in preparation to sending the rod off to Paul in the new year.
I've been scouring the web and it's likely that greenheart rods need a much lighter line than their bamboo counterparts to prevent overloading and breakage. From my searches it appears that a 14' Grant Vibration needs quite a low rated #7 line.
I will try mine with a #6 line which I use for my short bamboo spey rod. I'm acutely aware that it may break due to being stored in overly dry environments for a long while so I've been storing it in our Edwardian Terraced house bathroom, which is very akin to being outside!
I have stripped off the varnish using a varnish remover (except for those areas around the guides) and am currently oiling it with teak oil, to ensure that it's in a well lubricated state as possible before my first test casts. I found some posts on forums where people doing similar tasks to me have had success with teak and linseed oil.
I am also considering having Paul replace the handle not with cork, but a wooden handle as Alexander Grant had his. It will be a bit heavier than what it currently is (15.6oz) however the weight will be under the hand, and may even help the balance which from my reading, appears very important for fishing greenhearts. It will therefore need a lighter reel, which by estimates in its current state, about 18oz!
I'm also considering using a silk line with it, but whether it's a refurbished original salmon line, or a modern silk spey line like those by Terenzio or Phoenix, I'll decide when I get to that point.

Re: Playfair Grant Vibration greenheart rod

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:05 pm
by Sevilla315
All ready for its first test cast!
I spent the last week applying teak oil twice a day and it appears not to be taking in any more oil so I think it's done - reminds me of oiling my cricket bat at a youth!
I've applied a coat of furniture wax on top and buffed it up, it looks great, with a nice sheen to it.
I'm going to try with a Carron 54' spey line for a 7/8. It's not the right line but probably the closest I have. I'll start short with about 40' out and see how I go from there. If it all goes well I may contact a silk line maker to make a continuous taper line for me, much like the line Grant used on his Vibration rods.