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Hardy Altex today?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:30 pm
by Cat
Afternoon All, with that time of year upon us I was dropping some oil into an Altex at the weekend, and it made me wonder, with all its hand-made intricacies, and use of 'interesting' metals, how much would it cost for a company to manufacture a run of something of similar quality, and what would the RRP be (very roughly...i would imaginge a retailprice well into the late hundreds)? Obviously, a purely hypothetical question with numerous equations. Regards Cat

Re: Hardy Altex today?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:38 pm
by Polecat
In excess of a hand made centrepin I would guess so probably £1,500 - 2,000. Probably the bigger challenge would be finding someone with the skills to actually do the work?

Re: Hardy Altex today?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:43 pm
by Crucian
I would imagine that much of the cost would be in the castings and the pattern making involved.